Jeremiah 25:11-14

Bishops(i) 11 And this whole lande shall become a wildernesse and astonished: and these nations shal serue the king of Babylon threscore yeres and ten 12 When the threscore and ten yeres are expired, I wil visite all the wickednesse of the kyng of Babylon and his people saith the Lorde, yea and the lande of the Chaldees, and wyll make it a perpetuall wildernesse 13 And wyll fulfill all my wordes vpon that lande whiche I haue deuised against it: yea all that is written in this booke, whiche Ieremie hath prophecied of all people 14 So that they also shalbe subdued vnto diuers nations and great kynges, for I will recompence them according to their deedes and workes of their owne handes