Isaiah 6:1-6

Bishops(i) 1 In the yere that kyng Oziah dyed, I sawe also the Lorde sitting vpon an high and glorious seate, and his trayne filled the temple 2 And about hym stoode Seraphims, whereof one had sixe winges, with twayne eche couered his face, with twayne his feete, and with twayne did he flee 3 They cryed also eche one to another on this maner, Holy, holy, holy is the Lorde of hoastes: the whole earth is full of his glory 4 And the lintels of the doore checkes moued at his crying, and the house was full of smoke 5 Then sayd I, Wo is me, for I am lost, in as much as I am a man of vncleane lippes, and dwell among people that hath vncleane lippes also: for mine eyes haue seene the kyng the Lorde of hoastes 6 Then flewe one of the Seraphims vnto me, hauing a hote cole in his hand, whiche he had taken from the aulter with the tongues