Isaiah 44:1-6

Bishops(i) 1 So heare nowe O Iacob my seruaunt, and Israel whom I haue chosen 2 For thus saith the Lorde that made thee, fassioned thee, and helped thee euen from thy mothers wombe: Be not afraide O Iacob my seruaunt, thou righteous whom I haue chosen 3 For I shall powre water vpon the drye grounde, and riuers vpon the thirstie: I shall powre my spirite vpon thy seede, and my blessing vpon thy stocke 4 They shall growe together lyke as the grasse, and as the willowes by the waters side 5 One shal say, I am the Lordes: another shall call hym selfe after the name of Iacob: the thirde shall subscribe with his hande vnto the Lorde, and geue hym selfe vnder the name of Israel 6 Thus hath the Lorde spoken, euen the kyng of Israel, and his redeemer the Lorde of hoastes: I am the first and the last, and besides me there is no God