Isaiah 27:7-11

Bishops(i) 7 Hath he smitten hym as sore as he did the other that smote hym? Or is he slayne with so sore a slaughter as they that slue hym 8 Thou wylt punishe it in the braunches, yet not beyonde measure: for in the day that the east winde bloweth sore, it taketh away the fruites 9 By this meanes therfore shall the iniquitie of Iacob be purged, and this is all the fruite [namely] the taking away of his sinne, if he make all the stones of the aulter of idols as chalke stones that are beaten in sunder, that their groues and images ryse not vp agayne 10 Els shall the strong citie be desolate, and the habitation forsaken and left like a wildernesse: there shall the Calfe feede, and there shall he lye, and eate vp the graffes therof 11 When the braunches of it are drye, they are broken of, & the women come and set them on fire: for it is a people of no vnderstanding, and therfore he that made them shall not fauour them, and he that created them shall geue them no grace