Isaiah 11:2-6

Bishops(i) 2 The spirite of the Lorde shall rest vpon him, the spirite of wysdome and vnderstanding, the spirite of counsaile and strength, the spirite of knowledge and of the feare of the Lorde 3 And shall make hym of deepe iudgement in the feare of God: For he shall not geue sentence after the thing that shalbe brought before his eyes, neither reproue after the hearing of his eares 4 But with righteousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with equitie shall he refourme the simple of the worlde, and he shall smyte the worlde with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his mouth shall he slay the vngodly 5 Righteousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, and faythfulnesse the gyrding vp of his raynes 6 The Woolfe shall dwell with the Lambe, and the Leoparde shall lye downe by the Goate: Bullockes, Lions, and cattell, shall kepe company together, so that a litle chylde shall leade them