Hebrews 7:23-28

Bishops(i) 23 And among them many were made priestes, because they were forbidden by death to endure 24 But this man, because he endureth euer, hath an vnchaungeable priesthood 25 Wherefore he is able also euer to saue them to the vttermost that come vnto God by hym, seyng he euer lyueth to make intercession for them 26 For such an hye priest became vs, whiche [is] holy, harmelesse, vndefyled, seperate from sinners, and made hygher then heauens 27 Whiche nedeth not dayly, as those hie priestes, to offer vp sacrifice, first for his owne sinnes, and then for the peoples: for that dyd he once, when he offered vp hym selfe 28 For the lawe maketh men hye priestes which haue infirmitie: but the word of the oth which (was) after the lawe (maketh) the sonne, whiche is perfecte for euermore