Hebrews 10:5-10

Bishops(i) 5 Wherfore when he commeth into the worlde, he saith: Sacrifice and offring thou wouldest not haue, but a body hast thou ordeyned me 6 In burnt sacrifices & sinne (offerynges) thou hast had no pleasure 7 Then sayde I, lo I come (In the begynnyng of the booke it is written of me) to do thy wyll O God 8 Aboue when he saith, that sacrifice, and offeryng, and burnt offeringes, and sinne [offerynges] thou wouldest not, neither haddest pleasure [therein] (which are offered by the lawe: 9 Then sayde he, lo I come, to do thy wyll, O God. He taketh away ye first to stablyshe the seconde 10 In ye which wyll we are made holy, euen by the offeryng of the body of Iesus Christe once for all