Genesis 4:5-14

Bishops(i) 5 But vnto Cain and to his offeryng he had no respect: for the whiche cause Cain was exceedyng wroth, and his countenaunce abated 6 And the Lorde saide vnto Cain: why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenaunce abated 7 If thou do well, shalt thou not receaue? and yf thou doest not well, lyeth not thy sinne at the doores? Also vnto thee shall his desire be, and thou shalt haue dominion ouer hym 8 And Cain talked with Habel his brother: and it came to passe when they were in the fielde, Cain rose vp agaynst Habel his brother, & slewe him 9 And the Lorde said vnto Cain: where is Habel thy brother? Which sayde I wote not: Am I my brothers keper 10 And he sayde: What hast thou done? the voyce of thy brothers blood cryeth vnto me out of the grounde 11 And nowe art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receaue thy brothers blood from thy hande 12 If thou tyll the grounde, she shall not yeelde vnto thee her strength. A fugitiue and a vacabound shalt thou be in the earth 13 And Cain sayde vnto the Lord: My iniquitie is more then that it may be forgeuen 14 Beholde, thou hast cast me out this day from the vpper face of the earth, & from thy face shall I be hyd, fugitiue also and a vacabounde shall I be in the earth: and it shall come to passe, that euery one that fyndeth me shal slay me