Genesis 47:18-26

Bishops(i) 18 But when that yere was ended, they came vnto hym the next yere, and sayde vnto hym: We wyl not hyde it from my lorde, howe that our money is spent: my lorde also had our heardes of cattel, nether is ther ought left in ye sight of my lorde but euen our bodies & our landes 19 Wherefore lettest thou vs dye before thine eyes, both we and our lande? bye vs and our land for bread, and both we and our lande wyll be bounde vnto Pharao: onlye geue vs seede, that we may lyue, and not dye, & that the lande go not to waste 20 And so Ioseph bought all the lande of Egypt for Pharao: For the Egyptians solde euery man his possessions, because the dearth was so sore vpon them: and so the lande became Pharaos 21 And he caused the people to moue from citie to citie, fro one syde of Egypt into the other 22 Only the lande of the priestes bought he not: for the priestes had a portion assigned them of Pharao, and dyd eate their portio which Pharao gaue them: wherfore they solde not their landes 23 Then Ioseph sayde vnto the folke: beholde, I haue bought you this daye and your lande for Pharao: Lo, here is seede for you, & ye shall sowe the land 24 And of the increase you shall geue the fyfth part vnto Pharao, and foure partes shalbe your owne for seede of the fielde, and for you & them of your householdes, and for your chyldren to eate 25 And they aunswered: Thou hast saued our lyues, let vs fynde grace in the syght of my lorde, and we wylbe Pharaos seruauntes 26 And Ioseph made it a lawe ouer the lande of Egypt vnto this daye, that Pharao shoulde haue the fyft part, except ye lande of the priestes only, which was not Pharaos