Genesis 32:24-28

Bishops(i) 24 And Iacob was left hym selfe alone: and there wrasteled a man with hym, vnto the breakyng of the day 25 And when he sawe that he coulde not preuayle agaynst hym, he smote hym vpon the hucklebone of his thigh, and the hucklebone of Iacobs thigh loosed out of ioynt as he wrastled with him 26 And he said: let me go, for the day breaketh. Whiche aunswered: I will not let thee go, except thou blesse me 27 And he sayde vnto hym: what is thy name? He aunswered: Iacob 28 He sayde: thy name shalbe called no more Iacob, but Israel: For as a prince hast thou wrasteled with God, and with men, and hast preuayled