Genesis 30:37-43

Bishops(i) 37 Iacob toke roddes of greene populer, hasell, and chesse nut trees, and pilled whyte strakes in them, and made the whyte appeare in the roddes 38 And put the roddes which he had pilled, [euen] before the sheepe, in the gutters and watryng throughes when the sheepe came to drynke, that they should conceaue when they came to drynke 39 And the sheepe conceaued before the roddes, & brought foorth lambes ryngstraked, spotted, and partie 40 And Iacob did seperate these lambes, and turned the faces of the sheepe whiche were in the flocke of Laban, towarde these ryngstraked, and al maner of blacke: and so put his owne flockes by them selues, and put them not with Labans cattell 41 And in euery conceauyng tyme of the stronger cattel, Iacob layed the roddes before the eyes of the cattell in the gutters, namely that they myght conceaue before the roddes 42 But when the cattell were feeble, he put them not in: and so the feebler were Labans, and the stronger Iacobs 43 And the man increased exceedingly, and had much cattell, and mayde seruauntes, and man seruauntes, and camels, and asses