Genesis 29:18-30

Bishops(i) 18 And Iacob loued Rachel, and sayde: I wyll serue thee seuen yere for Rachel thy younger daughter 19 Laban aunswered: It is better that I geue her [vnto] thee, then that I shoulde geue her to another man: abide with me 20 And Iacob serued seuen yere for Rachel: and they seemed vnto hym but a fewe dayes, for the loue he hadde to her 21 And Iacob said vnto Laban: geue [me] my wife that I may lye with her, for my dayes are fulfylled 22 Then Laban gathered together all the men of that place, and made a feast 23 And when euen was come, he toke Lea his daughter, and brought her to hym, and he went in to her 24 And Laban gaue vnto his daughter Lea Zilpha his mayde [to be] her seruaunt 25 And when the mornyng was come, beholde it was Lea. Then sayde he to Laban: Wherefore hast thou played thus with me? dyd not I serue thee for Rachel? wherfore then hast thou begyled me 26 Laban aunswered: It is not the maner of this place, to marry ye younger before the first borne 27 Passe out this weeke, & then we wyll geue thee this also for the seruice whiche thou shalt serue me yet seuen yeres more 28 And Iacob dyd euen so, and passed out the weeke: and then he gaue hym Rachel his daughter to wyfe also 29 And Laban gaue to Rachel his daughter Bilha his handmayde, to be her seruaunt 30 So lay he by Rachel also, and loued Rachel more then Lea, and serued hym yet seuen yeres more