Genesis 26:2-5

Bishops(i) 2 And the Lorde appeared vnto hym, and sayde: Go not downe into Egypt, [but] abyde in the lande whiche I shall shewe vnto thee 3 Soiourne in this lande, and I wyl be with thee, and wyll blesse thee: for vnto thee and vnto thy seede I wyll geue all these countreys, and I wyll perfourme the othe whiche I sware vnto Abraham thy father 4 And wyl make thy seede to multiplie as the starres of heauen, and wyll geue vnto thy seede al these countreys: and in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed 5 Because that Abraham hearkened vnto my voyce, & kept my ordinaunce, my commaundementes, my statutes, and my lawes