Ezekiel 7:19-22

Bishops(i) 19 Their siluer shall they cast foorth in the streetes, and their golde shalbe dispised: yea their siluer and golde shall not be able to deliuer them in the day of the wrath of the Lorde, they shall not satisfie their soules, neither fyll their bellyes therwith, because it was a stumblyng blocke of their iniquitie 20 He had also set the beautie of his ornament in maiestie: but they made images of their abhominations and fylthinesses in it, therfore haue I set it farre from them 21 Moreouer, I wyll geue it into the handes of straungers to be spoyled, & to the wicked of the earth for to be robbed, and they shall pollute it 22 My face wyll I turne from them, my secrete place shalbe defiled: for burglers shall go into it and pollute it