Ezekiel 43:19-27

Bishops(i) 19 And thou shalt geue to the priestes, to the Leuites that be of the seede of Sadoc, and approche vnto me saith the Lord God to minister vnto me, a young bullocke for a sinne offering 20 And thou shalt take of the blood therof, & put it on the foure hornes of it, and on the foure corners of the frame, and vpon the border rounde about: thus shalt thou cleanse it, and purge it 21 Thou shalt take the bullocke also of the sinne offering, and burne him in the appoynted place without the sanctuary 22 The seconde day, take a goate bucke without blemishe for a sinne offering, to cleanse the aulter withal, like as it was cleansed with the bullocke 23 Now when thou hast made an ende of cleansing it, then offer a young bullocke without blemishe, and a ramme out of the flocke without blemishe also 24 Offer them before the Lorde, and let the priestes cast salt therupon, and geue them so vnto the Lorde for a burnt offering 25 Seuen dayes shalt thou prepare euery day a goate bucke for sinne, a young bullocke and a ramme of the flocke, both without blemishe shall they prepare 26 Seuen dayes shall they reconcile and cleanse the aulter, and fill the place thereof 27 When these dayes are expired, then vpon the eight day & so foorth, the priestes shall make your burnt offringes, and peace offringes vpon the aulter: so I wyll accept you, saith the Lorde God