Ezekiel 34:4-12

Bishops(i) 4 The weake haue ye not strengthened, the sicke haue ye not healed, the broken haue ye not bounde together, the dryuen away haue ye not brought againe, the lost haue ye not sought: but with force and crueltie haue ye ruled them 5 They are scattered without a shephearde, yea all the beastes of the fielde deuour them, and they go astray 6 My sheepe go wandring vpon al mountaines, and vpon euery hie hill, yea my flocke is scattered through all the face of the earth, and there is no man that seeketh or searcheth [after them. 7 Therefore O ye shepheardes, heare the worde of the Lorde 8 As truely as I lyue saith the Lorde God, forsomuch as my sheepe are robbed, & deuoured of all the wylde beastes of the fielde, hauing no shepheard, and seeing that my shepheardes seke not my sheepe, but the shepheardes feede them selues, and feede not my sheepe 9 Therefore heare the worde of the Lorde O ye shepheardes 10 Thus saith the Lorde God: beholde, I wyll vpon the shepheardes, and require my sheepe from their handes, and make them ceasse from feeding of the sheepe, yea the shepheardes shall feede them selues no more: for I wyll deliuer my sheepe out of their mouthes, so that they shall not deuour them after this 11 For thus saith the Lorde God: behold, I [euen] I wyll loke to my sheepe my selfe, and seeke them out 12 Lyke as a shephearde when he hath ben among the flocke, seeketh after the sheepe that are scattered abroade: euen so wyll I seeke after my sheepe, and deliuer them out of all places where they haue ben scattered, in the cloudie and darke day