Ezekiel 16:28-34

Bishops(i) 28 Thou hast plaied the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast insatiable: yea thou hast [I say] with them played the harlot, and yet hadst thou not inough 29 Thus hast thou furthermore multiplied thy fornication from the lande of Chanaan vnto the Chaldees, and yet thou wast not satisfied herewith 30 Howe weake is thyne heart saith the Lorde God, seeing thou doest all these workes of a presumptuous whorishe woman 31 Buylding thy hye places at the head of euery way, and makest thy hye places in euery streete: thou hast not ben as another whore that holdeth scorne of a rewarde 32 But as a wyfe that breaketh wedlocke, and taketh other in steede of her husbande 33 Giftes are geuen to all other whores: but thou geuest rewardes vnto all thy louers, & rewardest them to come vnto thee on euery side for thy fornication 34 It is come to passe with thee in thy whoredomes contrary to the vse of other women, yea there hath no suche fornication ben committed after thee: seeing that thou geuest gyftes vnto other, and no rewarde is geuen thee, therfore thou art contrary