Ezekiel 13:6-16

Bishops(i) 6 They haue seene vanitie and lying diuination, saying: the Lorde saith it, and the Lorde hath not sent them, and they haue made me hope that they woulde confirme the worde 7 Haue ye not seene vayne visions, and spoken false prophecies, when ye say, the Lorde hath spoken it, whereas I neuer sayde it 8 Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, Because ye haue spoken vanitie, and haue seene lies: therfore beholde I am against you, saith the Lorde God 9 Mine handes shal come vpon the prophetes that see vanities, and deuine lies: they shall not be in the counsell of my people, nor written in the booke of the house of Israel, neither shal they come in the lande of Israel, that ye may know howe that I am the Lord God 10 And that for because they haue deceaued my people, and told them of peace where no peace was: one setteth vp a wall, and they daube it with vntempered clay 11 Therfore tell them which daube with vntempred morter, that it shall fall: for there shal come a great showre of raine, I will sende haylestones to cause it to fall, and a great storme of winde shall breake it 12 And lo, when the wall is fallen, shall it not then be sayd vnto you, Where is nowe your morter that ye daubed it withall 13 Therfore thus saith the Lorde God: I wyll cause a stormie winde to breake out in my wrathfull displeasure, so that in mine anger there shall come a mightie showre of raine, and haylestones in my wrath to destroy it 14 As for the wall that ye haue daubed with vntempered morter, I wil breake it downe, and make it euen with the grounde, so that the foundation therof shalbe discouered, and it shall fall: yea and ye your selues shall perishe in the middes therof, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde 15 Thus wyll I perfourme my wrath vpon this wall, and vpon them that haue daubed it with vntempred morter, and then wyl I say vnto you, The wall is gone, and the daubers of it 16 [To wit] the prophetes of Israel, whiche prophecie vnto Hierusalem, and looke out visions of peace for it, wheras no peace is, saith the Lorde God