Esther 6:6-12

Bishops(i) 6 And when Haman came in, the king saide vnto him: what shalbe done vnto the man whom the king would faine bring vnto worship? (Haman thought in his heart: Whom desireth the king to bring vnto worship more then me? 7 And Haman aunswered the king: Let the man whom the king pleaseth to bring vnto worship, be brought hither 8 That he may be arayed with the royall garmentes which the king vseth to weare, and the horse that the king rydeth vpon, and that the crowne royall may be set vpon his head 9 And let this rayment and horse be deliuered vnder the hande of one of the kinges most noble princes, that they may aray the man withal whom the king is disposed to bring to honour, and cary him vpon the horse through the streete of the citie, and proclayme before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king pleaseth to bring to honour 10 And the king saide to Haman: Make haste, and take as thou hast saide the rayment and the horse, and do euen so vnto Mardocheus the Iewe that sitteth before the kinges gate, and let nothing faile of all that thou hast spoken 11 Then toke Haman the rayment and the horse, and arayed Mardocheus, and brought him on horsebacke through the streete of the citie, and proclaymed before him, Euen this shall it be done vnto the man whom the king is disposed to honour 12 And Mardocheus came againe to the kinges gate: but Haman gat him home in all the haste mourning, and his head couered