Deuteronomy 21:1-9

Bishops(i) 1 If one be founde slayne in the lande which the Lord thy God geueth thee to possesse it, and lyeth in the fielde, and it is not knowen who hath slayne hym 2 Then thine elders and thy iudges shal come foorth, and measure vnto the cities that are rounde about hym that is slayne 3 And let the elders of that citie which is next vnto the slayne man, take out of the droue an heyffer that hath not ben put to labour, nor hath drawen in the yoke 4 And let the elders of that citie bring the heyffer vnto a harde & rough valley which is neither eared nor sowen, and stryke of the heyffers necke there in the valley 5 And the priestes the sonnes of Leui (whom the Lord thy God hath chosen to minister, and to blesse in the name of the Lorde) shall come foorth: and by their worde shall all strife and plague be tryed 6 And all the elders of the citie that come foorth to the slayne man, shall washe their handes ouer the heyffer that is beheaded in the valley 7 And shall aunswere, and say: Our handes haue not shed this blood, neither haue our eyes seene it 8 Be mercifull Lorde vnto thy people Israel which thou hast deliuered, and lay no innocent blood vnto thy people of Israels charge. And the blood shalbe forgeuen them 9 And so shalt thou put innocent blood from thee, when thou shalt haue done that which is ryght in the syght of the Lorde