Deuteronomy 11:20-28

Bishops(i) 20 Yea, and thou shalt wryte them vpon the doore postes of thyne house, and vpon thy gates 21 That your dayes may be multiplied, and the dayes of your chyldren, in the lande which the Lord sware vnto your fathers to geue them as long as the dayes of heauen last vpon the earth 22 For if ye kepe all these commaundementes whiche I commaunde you, so that ye do them: namely, that ye loue the Lorde your God, and walke in all his wayes, and cleaue vnto hym 23 Then wyll the Lord cast out all these nations before you, and ye shalbe the heyres of great nations, and of them that are mightier then your selues 24 All the places whereon the soles of your feete shall treade, shalbe yours: euen from the wyldernesse, and from Libanon, and fro the riuer Euphrates, euen vnto the vttermost sea shal your coast be 25 There shall no man be able to stande before you: for the Lord your God shall cast the feare and dread of you vpon all the lande that ye shall treade vpon, as he hath sayde vnto you 26 Beholde, I set before you this day, a blessing and a curse 27 A blessing, if ye obay the commaundementes of the Lord your God which I commaunde you this day 28 And a curse, if ye wyll not obay the commaundemeutes of the Lorde your God, but turne out of the way whiche I commaunde you this day, to go after straunge gods whiche ye haue not knowen