Daniel 1:5-17

Bishops(i) 5 Unto these the king appoynted a dayly prouision euery day, of a portion of the kinges meate, and of the wine which he dranke, so to norishe them three yeres, that afterwarde they might stande before the king 6 Among these nowe were certayne of the children of Iuda: [namely] Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias 7 Unto these the chiefe chamberlayne gaue other names, and called Daniel, Baltassar: Ananias, Sidrach: Misael, Misach: and Azarias, Abednego 8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he woulde not defile hym selfe with the portion of the kinges meate, nor with the wyne which he dranke: therefore he required the chiefe chamberlayne that he might not defile him selfe 9 (And God brought Daniel into fauour and tender loue with the chiefe chamberlayne. 10 And the chiefe chamberlayne sayde vnto Daniel, I am afrayde of my lord the king whiche hath appoynted you your meate and your drinke: wherfore should he see your faces worse liking then the springalds of your age, & so ye shal make me indaunger my head vnto the king 11 Then Daniel sayde vnto Melassar, whom the chiefe chamberlayne had set ouer Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias 12 O proue but ten dayes with thy seruauntes, and let vs haue pulse to eate, and water to drinke 13 Then let our countenaunces be loked vpon before thee, and the countenaunces of the children that eate of the portion of the kinges meate: and as thou seest, deale with thy seruauntes 14 So he consented to them in this matter, and proued them ten dayes 15 And at the end of ten dayes, their countenaunces appeared fairer and fatter in fleshe then all the childrens which did eate the portion of the kinges meate 16 Thus Melassar toke away the portion of their meate, and the wyne that they shoulde drinke, and gaue them pulse 17 As for these foure children, God gaue them knowledge and vnderstanding in all learning & wysdome: also he gaue Daniel vnderstanding of all visions and dreames