2 Peter 2:3-6

Bishops(i) 3 And through couetousnesse, shall they with fayned wordes make marchaudize of you, whose iudgement is nowe not farre of, and their damnation sleepeth not 4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them downe into hell, and delyuered them into chaynes of darknesse, to be kept vnto iudgement 5 Neither spared the olde worlde, but saued Noe the eyght [person] a preacher of ryghteousnesse, and brought in the flood vpon the worlde of the vngodly 6 And turned their cities of Sodome & Gomorrhe into asshes, ouerthrewe the, dampned them, and made of them an ensample vnto those that after shoulde lyue vngodly