2 Kings 25:1-9

Bishops(i) 1 And it fortuned, that in the ninth yere of his raigne, the tenth day of the tenth moneth, Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon came, he & all his hoast, against Hierusalem, and pitched against it, and made engins against it on euery syde 2 And the citie was besieged vnto the eleuenth yere of king Zedekia 3 And the ninth day of the moneth, there was so great hunger in the citie, that there was no bread for the people of the lande 4 And the citie was broken vp, and all the men of armes [fled] by night by a way through a gate [which is] betweene two walles by the kinges garden (the Chaldees lying about the citie:) And the king went the way toward the playne 5 And the souldiers of the Chaldees folowed after the king, and toke him in the playne of Iericho: and all his army were scattered away from him 6 So they toke the king, and brought him to [Nabuchodonosor] the king of Babylon to Ribla, where they gaue iudgement vpon him 7 And they slue the sonnes of Zedekia before his eyes, and he put out the eyes of Zedekia, and fettered him with chaynes, and carryed him to Babylon 8 And the seuenth day of the fifth moneth (which is the nineteenth yere of king Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon) came Nebusaradan a seruaunt of the king of Babylon & chiefe captayne of the men of warre, vnto Hierusalem 9 And burnt the house of the Lord, and the kinges house, and all the houses of Hierusalem, and all great houses burnt he with fire