2 Chronicles 31:6-10

Bishops(i) 6 And the children of Israel and Iuda that dwelt in the cities of Iuda, they also brought in the tithes of oxen and sheepe, & other holy tithes which were consecrate vnto the Lorde their God, they did offer and brought them all by heapes 7 In the third moneth, they began to lay the heapes in maner of a foundation, and finished them in the seuenth moneth 8 And when Hezekia and the lordes came and sawe the heapes, they blessed the Lorde, and his people Israel 9 And Hezekia questioned with the priestes and the Leuites concerning the heapes 10 And Azaria the chiefe priest of the house of Zador, aunswered him and saide: Since the people began to bryng the heaue offringes into the house of the Lorde, we also haue had inough to eate, there remayned so much: for the Lorde hath blessed his people, and this heape is left