1 Samuel 1:20-23

Bishops(i) 20 For in processe of time it came to passe, that she conceaued, and bare a sonne, & called his name Samuel, [saying:] Because I haue asked him of the Lorde 21 And the man Elkana and all his house, went vp to offer vnto the Lorde the yerely sacrifice, and also his vowe 22 Neuerthelesse, Hanna wet not vp, but sayde vnto her husband: I will tary vntill the lad be weaned, and then I will bryng hym, that he may appeare before the Lord, and there abyde for euer 23 Elkana her husband aunswered her: Do what seemeth thee best, tary at home vntyll thou hast weaned him, and I beseche the Lord to make good his saying. And so the woman abode, and gaue her sonne sucke, vntyll she weaned hym