1 Samuel 14:1-14

Bishops(i) 1 Then on a time Ionathan the sonne of Saul sayde vnto his young man that bare his harnesse: Come, & let vs go ouer to the Philistines garison that are yonder on the other syde: and he tolde not his father 2 And Saul taried in the vttermost part of Gibea vnder a pomegranate tree which is in Migron: and the people that were with him were vpo a sixe hundred men 3 And Ahia the sonne of Ahitob, Ichabods brother, the sonne of Phinehesthe sonne of Eli, was the Lordes priest in Silo, and ware an Ephod: And the people wist not that Ionathan was gone 4 And in the middes of the passage by which Ionathan sought to go ouer vnto the Philistines garison, there was a sharpe rocke on the one syde, & a sharpe rocke on the other syde: the one called Bozez, and the other Sene 5 The forefront of the one leaned northwarde towarde Michmas, & the other was southward toward Gibea 6 And Ionathan sayd to the young man that bare his harnesse: Come, and let vs go ouer vnto the garison of these vncircumcised, it may be that the Lorde will worke with vs: for it is no hardnesse with the Lord to saue either in manie or in fewe 7 And his harnesse bearer said vnto him, Do all that is in thyne heart: Go where it pleaseth thee, behold I am with thee as thyne heart lusteth 8 Then sayd Ionathan: Beholde, we go ouer vnto these men, and shall shewe our selues vnto them 9 Yf they say on this wyse to vs, Tarie vntil we come to you: then we wil stand still in our place, & not go vp vnto them 10 But and if they say, Come vp vnto vs: then we wil go vp, for the Lorde hath deliuered them into our handes: And this shalbe a signe vnto vs 11 And they both shewed them selues vnto the garison of the Philistines. And the Philistines sayde: See, the Hebrues come out of the holes where they had hyd them selues in 12 And the men of the garison aunswered Ionathan & his harnesse bearer, & sayd: Come vp to vs, and we will shewe you a thing. And Ionathan sayde vnto his harnesse bearer: Come vp after me, for the Lorde hath deliuered them into the hande of Israel 13 And Ionathan clymed vp vpon handes and feete, and his harnesse bearer after him: And they fell before Ionathan, & his harnesse bearer slue the after him 14 And that first slaughter whiche Ionathan & his harnesse bearer made, was vpon a twentie men, within the compasse as it were about an halfe aker of land which two [oxen plowe.