1 Corinthians 11:20-34

Bishops(i) 20 When ye come together therfore into one place, you can not eate the Lordes supper 21 For euery one preuenteth other, in eatyng his owne supper. And one is hungry, and another is drunken 22 Haue ye not houses to eate & to drynke in? Despise ye the Churche of God, and shame them that haue not? What shall I say vnto you, shall I prayse you in this, I prayse you not 23 That which I deliuered vnto you, I receaued of the Lorde. For the Lord Iesus, the same nyght in the which he was betrayed, toke bread 24 And when he had geuen thankes, he brake it, and sayde: Take ye [and] eate, this is my body which is broke for you: This do ye in the remembraunce of me 25 After the same maner also [he toke] the cup, when he had supped, saying: This cup is the newe testament in my blood: This do as oft as ye drynke it, in remembraunce of me 26 For as often as ye shal eate this bread, and drynke this cup, ye shall shewe the Lordes death tyll he come 27 Wherfore, whosoeuer shall eate this bread, and drynke this cup of the Lorde vnworthyly, shalbe gyltie of the body and blood of the Lorde 28 But let a man examine hym selfe, and so let hym eate of this bread, and drinke of this cuppe 29 For he that eateth and drynketh vnworthyly, eateth and drynketh his owne dampnation, [because] he maketh no difference of the Lordes body 30 For this cause many are weake and sicke among you, and many slepe 31 For yf we woulde iudge our selues, we shoulde not be iudged 32 But when we are iudged, we are chastened of the Lorde, that we shoulde not be dampned with the worlde 33 Wherfore my brethren, when ye come together to eate, tary one for another 34 If any man hunger, let hym eate at home, that ye come not together vnto condempnation. Other thynges wyll I set in order when I come