1 Chronicles 21:18-30

Bishops(i) 18 And the angell of the Lord commaunded Gad to say to Dauid, that Dauid shoulde go vp and set vp an aulter vnto the Lorde in the threshing floore of Ornan the Iebusite 19 And Dauid went vp according to the saying of Gad whiche he spake in the name of the Lorde 20 And Ornan turned about, and saw the angell, and his foure sonnes were with him, and hyd them selues: But Ornan was threshing wheate 21 And as Dauid came to Ornan, Ornan loked and sawe Dauid, and went out of the threshing floore, and bowed hym selfe to Dauid with his face to the grounde 22 And Dauid sayde to Ornan: Geue me the place of the threshing floore, that I may buylde an aulter therin vnto the lord: Thou shalt geue it me for as much money as it is worth, that the plague may ceasse from the people 23 And Ornan sayd vnto Dauid: Take it to thee, and let my lorde the king do that which seemeth good in his eyes: Lo, I geue thee oxen also for burnt sacrifices, and treshing instrumentes for wood, & wheate for meate offring, I geue it all 24 And king Dauid sayde to Ornan: Not so, but I will bye it for as much money as it is worth: For I will not take that whiche is thyne for the Lorde, nor offer burnt offringes without coast 25 And so Dauid gaue to Ornan for that place sicles of golde sixe hundred by wayght 26 And Dauid buylt there an aulter vnto the Lorde, and offred burnt offringes and peace offringes, and called vpon the Lorde, and he hearde him from heauen in fire vpon the aulter of burnt offring 27 And when the Lorde had spoken to the angel, he put vp his sword againe into the sheathe of it 28 At that time when Dauid sawe that the Lorde had hearde him in the thresshing floore of Ornan the Iebusite, he vsed to offer there 29 For the tabernacle of the Lorde which Moyses made in the wildernesse, & the aulter of burnt offring, were at that season in the hill of Gibeon 30 And Dauid coulde not go before it, to aske counsell at God, for he was afrayde of the sword of the angel of the Lorde