Jude 1:10-13

BIB(i) 10 οὗτοι (These) δὲ (however), ὅσα (whatever things) μὲν (indeed) οὐκ (not) οἴδασιν (they have seen) βλασφημοῦσιν (they speak evil of); ὅσα (whatever things) δὲ (then) φυσικῶς (naturally), ὡς (as) τὰ (the) ἄλογα (irrational) ζῷα (animals), ἐπίστανται (they understand), ἐν (in) τούτοις (these things) φθείρονται (they corrupt themselves). 11 οὐαὶ (Woe) αὐτοῖς (to them), ὅτι (because) τῇ (in the) ὁδῷ (way) τοῦ (-) Κάϊν (of Cain) ἐπορεύθησαν (they went), καὶ (and) τῇ (to the) πλάνῃ (error) τοῦ (-) Βαλαὰμ (of Balaam) μισθοῦ (for reward) ἐξεχύθησαν (they rushed), καὶ (and) τῇ (in the) ἀντιλογίᾳ (rebellion) τοῦ (-) Κόρε (of Korah) ἀπώλοντο (they perished). 12 Οὗτοί (These) εἰσιν (are) οἱ (the ones) ἐν (in) ταῖς (the) ἀγάπαις (love feasts) ὑμῶν (of you), σπιλάδες (hidden reefs), συνευωχούμενοι (feasting together with you) ἀφόβως (fearlessly), ἑαυτοὺς (themselves) ποιμαίνοντες (shepherding); νεφέλαι (clouds) ἄνυδροι (without water), ὑπὸ (by) ἀνέμων (winds) παραφερόμεναι (being carried about); δένδρα (trees) φθινοπωρινὰ (autumnal) ἄκαρπα (without fruit), δὶς (twice) ἀποθανόντα (having died), ἐκριζωθέντα (having been uprooted); 13 κύματα (waves) ἄγρια (wild) θαλάσσης (of the sea), ἐπαφρίζοντα (foaming out) τὰς (-) ἑαυτῶν (of their) αἰσχύνας (shame); ἀστέρες (stars) πλανῆται (wandering), οἷς (to whom) ὁ (the) ζόφος (gloom) τοῦ (-) σκότους (of darkness) εἰς (to) αἰῶνα (the age) τετήρηται (has been reserved).