Acts 27:13-20

BIB(i) 13 Ὑποπνεύσαντος (Having blown gently) δὲ (now) νότου (a south wind), δόξαντες (having thought) τῆς (the) προθέσεως (purpose) κεκρατηκέναι (to have obtained), ἄραντες (having weighed anchor), ἆσσον (very near) παρελέγοντο (they began coasting along) τὴν (-) Κρήτην (Crete). 14 μετ’ (After) οὐ (not) πολὺ (long) δὲ (however), ἔβαλεν (there came) κατ’ (down) αὐτῆς (from it) ἄνεμος (a wind) τυφωνικὸς (tempestuous), ὁ (-) καλούμενος (called) Εὐρακύλων (the Northeaster). 15 συναρπασθέντος (Having been caught) δὲ (then) τοῦ (the) πλοίου (ship), καὶ (and) μὴ (not) δυναμένου (being able) ἀντοφθαλμεῖν (to face) τῷ (to the) ἀνέμῳ (wind), ἐπιδόντες (having given way) ἐφερόμεθα (we were driven along). 16 Νησίον (An Island) δέ (then) τι (certain) ὑποδραμόντες (having run under), καλούμενον (called) Καῦδα (Cauda), ἰσχύσαμεν (we were able) μόλις (with difficulty) περικρατεῖς (control) γενέσθαι (to gain) τῆς (of the) σκάφης (lifeboat), 17 ἣν (which) ἄραντες (having taken up), βοηθείαις (supports) ἐχρῶντο (they began using), ὑποζωννύντες (undergirding) τὸ (the) πλοῖον (ship). φοβούμενοί (Fearing) τε (then) μὴ (lest) εἰς (into) τὴν (the) Σύρτιν (sandbars of Syrtis) ἐκπέσωσιν (they should fall), χαλάσαντες (having lowered) τὸ (the) σκεῦος (gear), οὕτως (thus) ἐφέροντο (they were driven along). 18 Σφοδρῶς (Violently) δὲ (now) χειμαζομένων (being storm-tossed) ἡμῶν (of us), τῇ (on the) ἑξῆς (next day) ἐκβολὴν (a jettison of cargo) ἐποιοῦντο (they began to make), 19 καὶ (and) τῇ (on the) τρίτῃ (third day), αὐτόχειρες (with their own hands) τὴν (the) σκευὴν (tackle) τοῦ (of the) πλοίου (ship) ἔρριψαν* (they cast away). 20 μήτε (Neither) δὲ (now) ἡλίου (sun) μήτε (nor) ἄστρων (stars) ἐπιφαινόντων (appearing) ἐπὶ (for) πλείονας (many) ἡμέρας (days), χειμῶνός (tempest) τε (and) οὐκ (no) ὀλίγου (small) ἐπικειμένου (lying on us), λοιπὸν (from then on) περιῃρεῖτο (was abandoned) ἐλπὶς (hope) πᾶσα (all) τοῦ (-) σῴζεσθαι (being saved) ἡμᾶς (of us).