Galatians 3:16-19

AUV(i) 16 Now [specific] promises were made to Abraham and to his seed [i.e., descendants]. [God] did not say “seeds” [plural] as though He were referring to many persons but “seed” [singular] showing that He meant one [descendant]; [Gen. 13:15 says] “And to your seed,” referring to Christ. 17 Here is what I am saying: The Agreement originally made by God [with Abraham], with its attending promises, was not canceled when the law of Moses was given some four hundred and thirty years later. 18 For if the inheritance [of never ending life] can be obtained by [obeying the requirements of] the law of Moses, it would not come from the promise [of God]; but God provided [this inheritance] for Abraham according to [His] promise. 19 What then is [the benefit of] the law of Moses? It was introduced [as part of God’s revelation] in order to define what sin was, until the seed [i.e., Jesus] would come, to whom the promise [of never ending life] was made. The law of Moses was ordained through [the medium of] angels and [delivered] through the hand of an intermediary [i.e., Moses].