Pierce - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G1338, diikneomai ]
to go through, penetrate" (dia, "through," ikneomaia, "to go"), is used of the power of the Word of God, in Hebrews 4:12, "piercing." In the Sept., Exodus 26:28.

[ 2,,G1330, dierchomai ]
"to go through," is translated "shall pierce through" in Luke 2:35. See COME, No. 5.

[ 3,,G1574, ekkenteo ]
primarily, "to prick out" (ek, "out," kenteo, "to prick"), signifies "to pierce," John 19:37; Revelation 1:7.

[ 4,,G3572, nusso ]
"to pierce" or "pierce through," often of inflicting severe or deadly wounds, is used of the piercing of the side of Christ, John 19:34 (in some mss., Matthew 27:49).

[ 5,,G4044, peripeiro ]
"to put on a spit," hence, "to pierce," is used metaphorically in 1 Timothy 6:10, of torturing one's soul with many sorrows, "have pierced (themselves) through."

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words