Bible verses about "enduring" | Wycliffe

Acts 14:22

22 And whanne thei hadden ordeined prestis to hem bi alle citees, and hadden preied with fastyngis, thei bitoken hem to the Lord, in whom thei bileueden.

Hebrews 12:2

2 biholdinge in to the makere of feith, and the perfit endere, Jhesu; which whanne ioye was purposid to hym, he suffride the cros, and dispiside confusioun, and sittith on the riythalf of the seet of God.

James 5:10-11

10 Britheren, take ye ensaumple of yuel goyng out, and of long abidyng, and trauel, and of pacience, the prophetis, that speken to you in the name of the Lord. 11 Lo! we blessen hem that suffriden. Ye herden the `suffring, ethir pacience, of Joob, and ye sayn the ende of the Lord, for the Lord is merciful, and doynge merci.

1 Peter 1:25

25 but the word of the Lord dwellith with outen ende. And this is the word, that is prechid to you.

Hebrews 12:1

1 Therfor we that han so greet a cloude of witnessis put to, do we awei al charge, and synne stondinge aboute vs, and bi pacience renne we to the batel purposid to vs,

2 Timothy 4:2-8

2 preche the word, be thou bisi couenabli with outen rest, repreue thou, biseche thou, blame thou in al pacience and doctryn. 3 For tyme schal be, whanne men schulen not suffre hoolsum teching, but at her desiris thei schulen gadere `togidere to hem silf maistris yitchinge to the eeris. 4 And treuli thei schulen turne awei the heryng fro treuthe, but to fablis thei schulen turne. 5 But wake thou, in alle thingis traueile thou, do the werk of an euangelist, fulfille thi seruyce, be thou sobre. 6 For Y am sacrifisid now, and the tyme of my departyng is nyy. 7 Y haue stryuun a good strijf, Y haue endid the cours, Y haue kept the feith. 8 In `the tothir tyme a coroun of riytwisnesse is kept to me, which the Lord, a iust domesman, schal yelde to me in that dai; and not oneli to me, but also to these that louen his comyng.

Hebrews 12:1-3

1 Therfor we that han so greet a cloude of witnessis put to, do we awei al charge, and synne stondinge aboute vs, and bi pacience renne we to the batel purposid to vs, 2 biholdinge in to the makere of feith, and the perfit endere, Jhesu; which whanne ioye was purposid to hym, he suffride the cros, and dispiside confusioun, and sittith on the riythalf of the seet of God. 3 And bithenke ye on hym that suffride siche `ayen seiynge of synful men ayens hym silf, that ye be not maad wery, failinge in youre soulis.

Hebrews 10:36

36 For pacience is nedeful to you, that ye do the wille of God, and bringe ayen the biheest.

James 1:12

12 Blessid is the man, that suffrith temptacioun; for whanne he schal be preued, he schal resseyue the coroun of lijf, which God biheyte to men that louen hym.

1 Corinthians 13:7

7 it suffrith alle thingis, it bileueth alle thingis, it hopith alle thingis, it susteyneth alle thingis.

Romans 15:13

13 And God of hope fulfille you in al ioye and pees in bileuynge, that ye encrees in hope and vertu of the Hooli Goost.

Romans 5:1-21

1 Therfor we, iustified of feith, haue we pees at God bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist. 2 Bi whom we han niy goyng to, bi feith in to this grace, in which we stonden, and han glorie in the hope of the glorie of Goddis children. 3 And not this oneli, but also we glorien in tribulaciouns, witynge that tribulacioun worchith pacience, 4 and pacience preuyng, and preuyng hope. 5 And hope confoundith not, for the charite of God is spred abrood in oure hertis bi the Hooli Goost, that is youun to vs. 6 And while that we weren sijk aftir the tyme, what diede Crist for wickid men? 7 For vnnethis dieth ony man for the iust man; and yit for a good man perauenture summan dar die. 8 But God comendith his charite in vs; for if whanne we weren yit synneris, 9 aftir the tyme Crist was deed for vs, thanne myche more now we iustified in his blood, schulen be saaf fro wraththe bi him. 10 For if whanne we weren enemyes, we ben recounselid to God bi the deth of his sone, myche more we recounselid schulen be saaf in the lijf of hym. 11 And not oneli this, but also we glorien in God, bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist, bi whom we han resseyued now recounseling. 12 Therfor as bi o man synne entride in to this world, and bi synne deth, and so deth passide forth in to alle men, in which man alle men synneden. 13 For `til to the lawe synne was in the world; but synne was not rettid, whanne lawe was not. 14 But deth regnyde from Adam `til to Moises, also in to hem that synneden not in licnesse of the trespassyng of Adam, the which is licnesse of Crist to comynge. 15 But not as gilt, so the yifte; for if thorouy the gilt of oon manye ben deed, myche more the grace of God and the yifte in the grace of o man Jhesu Crist hath aboundid in to many men. 16 And not as bi o synne, so bi the yifte; for the doom of oon in to condempnacioun, but grace of many giltis in to iustificacioun. 17 For if in the gilt of oon deth regnede thorouy oon, myche more men that takyn plente of grace, and of yyuyng, and of riytwisnesse, schulen regne in lijf bi oon Jhesu Crist. 18 Therfor as bi the gilt of oon in to alle men in to condempnacioun, so bi the riytwisnesse of oon in to alle men in to iustifiyng of lijf. 19 For as bi inobedience of o man manye ben maad synneris, so bi the obedience of oon manye schulen be iust. 20 And the lawe entride, that gilt schulde be plenteuouse; but where gilt was plenteuouse, 21 grace was more plenteuouse. That as synne regnede in to deth, so grace regne bi riytwisnesse in to euerlastynge lijf, bi `Crist Jhesu oure Lord.

Romans 5:3-4

3 And not this oneli, but also we glorien in tribulaciouns, witynge that tribulacioun worchith pacience, 4 and pacience preuyng, and preuyng hope.

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