Bible verses about "backsliding" | Wycliffe

Jeremiah 24:7

7 And Y schal yyue to hem an herte, that thei knowe me, for Y am the Lord; and thei schulen be in to a puple to me, and Y schal be in to God to hem, for thei schulen turne ayen to me in al her herte.

Hosea 14:1

1 Samarie perische, for it stiride his God to bittirnesse; perische it bi swerd. The litle children of hem be hurtlid doun, and the wymmen with child therof be koruun.

Hosea 14:4

4 Assur schal not saue vs, we schulen not stie on hors; and we schulen no more seie, Oure goddis ben the werkis of oure hondis; for thou schalt haue merci on that modirles child, which is in thee.

Luke 9:62

62 And Jhesus seide to hym, No man that puttith his hoond to the plouy, and biholdynge bacward, is able to the rewme of God.

Ephesians 2:8-9

8 For bi grace ye ben sauyd bi feith, and this not of you; for it is the yifte of God, 9 not of werkis, that no man haue glorie.

2 Peter 2:20-22

20 For if men forsaken the vnclennessis of the world, bi the knowyng of oure Lord and sauyour Jhesu Crist, and eftsone ben wlappid in these, and ben ouercomun, the lattere thingis ben maad to hem worse than the formere. 21 For it was betere to hem to not knowe the weie of riytwisnesse, than to turne ayen aftir the knowyng, fro that hooli maundement that was bitakun to hem. 22 For thilke very prouerb bifelde to hem, The hound turnede ayen to his castyng, and a sowe is waischun in walwyng in fenne.

Revelation 2:1-4:11

1 And to the aungel of the chirche of Efesus write thou, These thingis seith he, that holdith the seuene sterris in his riyt hond, which walkith in the middil of the seuene goldun candilstikis. 2 Y woot thi werkis, and trauel, and thi pacience, and that thou maist not suffre yuele men; and thou hast asaied hem that seien that thei ben apostlis, and ben not, and thou hast foundun hem lieris; 3 and thou hast pacience, and thou hast suffrid for my name, and failidist not. 4 But Y haue ayens thee a fewe thingis, that thou hast left thi firste charite. 5 Therfor be thou myndeful fro whennus thou hast falle, and do penaunce, and do the firste werkis; ether ellis, Y come soone to thee, and Y schal moue thi candilstike fro his place, but `thou do penaunce. 6 But thou hast this good thing, that thou hatidist the dedis of Nycholaitis, the whiche also Y hate. 7 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis. To hym that ouercometh Y schal yyue to ete of the tre of lijf, that is in the paradis of my God. 8 And to the aungel of the chirche of Smyrma write thou, These thingis seith the firste and the laste, that was deed, and lyueth. 9 Y woot thi tribulacioun, and thi pouert, but thou art riche; and thou art blasfemyd of hem, that seien, that thei ben Jewis, and ben not, but ben the synagoge of Sathanas. 10 Drede thou no thing of these thingis, whiche thou schalt suffre. Lo! the deuel schal sende summe of you in to prisoun, that ye be temptid; and ye schulen haue tribulacioun ten daies. Be thou feithful to the deth, and Y schal yyue to thee a coroun of lijf. 11 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis. He that ouercometh, schal not be hirt of the secounde deth. 12 And to the aungel of the chirche of Pergamus write thou, These thingis seith he, that hath the swerd scharp on ech side. 13 Y woot where thou dwellist, where the seete of Sathanas is; and thou holdist my name, and denyedist not my feith. And in tho daies was Antifas, my feithful witnesse, that was slayn at you, where Sathanas dwellith. 14 But Y haue ayens thee a fewe thingis; for thou hast `there men holdinge the teching of Balaam, which tauyte Balaac for to sende sclaundre bifor the sones of Israel, to ete of sacrificis of ydols, and to do fornicacioun; 15 so also thou hast men holdinge the teching of Nycholaitis. 16 Also do thou penaunce; `yif ony thing lesse, Y schal come soone to thee, and Y schal fiyte with hem with the swerd of my mouth. 17 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirches. To him that ouercometh Y schal yyue aungel mete hid; and Y schal yyue to hym a whiit stoon, and in the stoon a newe name writun, which no man knowith, but he that takith. 18 And to the aungel of the chirche of Tiatira write thou, These thingis seith the sone of God, that hath iyen as flawme of fier, and hise feet lijk latoun. 19 Y knowe thi werkis, and feith, and charite, and thi seruyce, and thi pacience, and thi laste werkis mo than the formere. 20 But Y haue ayens thee a fewe thingis; for thou suffrist the womman Jesabel, which seith that sche is a prophetesse, to teche and disseyue my seruauntis, to do letcherie, and to ete of thingis offrid to idols. 21 And Y yaf to hir time, that sche schulde do penaunce, and sche wolde not do penaunce of hir fornycacioun. 22 And lo! Y sende hir in to a bed, and thei that doen letcherie with hir schulen be in moost tribulacioun, but thei don penaunce of hir werkis. 23 And Y schal slee hir sones in to deth, and alle chirchis schulen wite, that Y am serchinge reynes and hertis; and Y schal yyue to ech man of you after hise werkis. 24 And Y seie to you, and to othere that ben at Tiatire, who euer han not this teching, and that knewen not the hiynesse of Sathanas, hou thei seien, Y schal not sende on you another charge; netheles holde ye that that ye han, 25 til Y come. 26 And to hym that schal ouercome, and that schal kepe til in to the ende my werkis, Y schal yyue power on folkis, 27 and he schal gouerne hem in an yrun yerde; and thei schulen be brokun to gidre, 28 as a vessel of a pottere, as also Y resseyuede of my fadir; and Y schal yyue to hym a morewe sterre. 29 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.

Revelation 3:1-4:11

1 And to the aungel of the chirche of Sardis write thou, These thingis seith he, that hath the seuene spiritis of God, and the seuene sterris. Y woot thi werkis, for thou hast a name, that thou lyuest, and thou art deed. 2 Be thou wakynge, and conferme thou othere thingis, that weren to diynge; for Y fynde not thi werkis fulle bifore my God. 3 Therfor haue thou in mynde, hou thou resseyuedist, and herdist; and kepe, and do penaunce. Therfor if thou wake not, Y schal come as a nyyt theef to thee, and thou schalt not wite in what our Y schal come to thee. 4 But thou hast a fewe names in Sardis, whiche han not defoulid her clothis; and thei schulen walke with me in whijt clothis, for thei ben worthi. 5 He that ouercometh, schal be clothid thus with whijt clothis; and Y schal not do awei his name fro the book of lijf, and Y schal knoueleche his name bifore my fadir, and bifore hise aungels. 6 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis. 7 And to the aungel of the chirche of Filadelfie write thou, These thingis seith the hooli and trewe, that hath the keie of Dauid; which openeth, and no man closith, he closith, and no man openith. 8 I woot thi werkis, and lo! Y yaf bifore thee a dore opened, which no man may close; for thou hast a litil vertu, and hast kept my word, and denyest not my name. 9 Lo! Y schal yyue to thee of the synagoge of Sathanas, whiche seien that thei ben Jewis, and ben not, but lyen. Lo! Y schal make hem, that thei come, and worschipe byfor thi feet; and thei schulen wite, 10 that Y louyde thee, for thou keptist the word of my pacience. And Y schal kepe thee fro the our of temptacioun, that is to comynge in to al the world, to tempte men that dwellen in erthe. 11 Lo! Y come soone; holde thou that that thou hast, that no man take thi coroun. 12 And hym that schal ouercome, Y schal make a pilere in the temple of my God, and he schal no more go out; and Y schal write on hym the name of my God, and the name of the citee of my God, of the newe Jerusalem, that cometh doun fro heuene of my God, and my newe name. 13 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis. 14 And to the aungel of the chirche of Laodice write thou, These thingis seith Amen, the feithful witnesse and trewe, which is bigynnyng of Goddis creature. 15 I woot thi werkis, for nether thou art cold, nether thou art hoot; Y wolde that thou were could, ethir hoot; 16 but for thou art lew, and nether cold, nether hoot, Y schal bigynne to caste thee out of my mouth. 17 For thou seist, That Y am riche, and ful of goodis, and Y haue nede of no thing; and thou wost not, that thou art a wretche, and wretcheful, `and pore, and blynde, and nakid. 18 Y counsele thee to bie of me brent gold, and preued, that thou be maad riche, and be clothid with whijt clothis, that the confusioun of thi nakidnesse be not seen; and anoynte thin iyen with a collerie, that thou se. 19 Y repreue, and chastise whom Y loue; therfor sue thou goode men, and do penaunce. 20 Lo! Y stonde at the dore, and knocke; if ony man herith my voys, and openith the yate to me, Y shal entre to hym, and soupe with hym, and he with me. 21 And Y schal yyue to hym that schal ouercome, to sitte with me in my trone, as also Y ouercam, and sat with my fadir in his trone. 22 He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.

Revelation 4:1-11

1 Aftir these thingis Y say, and lo! a dore was openyd in heuene. And the firste vois that Y herde, was as of a trumpe spekinge with me, and seide, Stye thou vp hidur, and Y shal schewe to thee whiche thingis it bihoueth to be don soone aftir these thingus. 2 Anoon Y was in spirit, and lo! a seete was sett in heuene, and vpon the seete oon sittynge. 3 And he that sat, was lijk the siyt of a stoon iaspis, and to sardyn; and a reynbowe was in cumpas of the seete, lijk the siyt of smaragdyn. 4 And in the cumpas of the seete weren foure and twenti smale seetis; and aboue the troones foure and twenti eldre men sittinge, hilid aboute with whijt clothis, and in the heedis of hem goldun corouns. 5 And leitis, and voices, and thundringis camen out of the trone; and seuene laumpis brennynge bifore the trone, whiche ben the seuene spiritis of God. 6 And bifor the seete as a see of glas, lijk a crystal, and in the myddil of the seete, and in the cumpas of the seete, foure beestis ful of iyen bifore and bihynde. 7 And the firste beeste lijk a lyoun; and the secounde beeste lijk a calf; and the thridde beeste hauynge a face as of a man; and the fourthe beeste lijk an egle fleynge. 8 And the foure beestis hadden euery of hem sixe wyngis; and al aboute and with ynne thei weren ful of iyen; and thei hadden not reste dai and nyyt, seiynge, Hooli, hooli, hooli, the Lord God almyyti, that was, and that is, and that is to comynge. 9 And whanne tho foure beestis yauen glorie, and honour, and blessing to hym that sat on the trone, that lyueth in to worldis of worldis, 10 the foure and twenti eldre men fellen doun bifor hym that sat on the trone, and worschipiden hym that lyueth in to worldis of worldis. And thei casten her corouns bifor the trone, 11 and seiden, Thou, Lord `oure God, art worthi to take glorie, and onour, and vertu; for thou madist of nouyt alle thingis, and for thi wille tho weren, and ben maad of nouyt.

Proverbs 24:16

16 For a iust man schal falle seuene sithis in the dai, and schal rise ayen; but wickid men schulen falle in to yuele.

Proverbs 14:14

14 A fool schal be fillid with hise weies; and a good man schal be aboue hym.

Jeremiah 3:22

22 Be ye conuertid, sones, turnynge ayen, and Y schal heele youre turnyngis awei. Lo! we comen to thee; for thou art oure Lord God.

Jeremiah 8:5

5 Whi therfor is this puple in Jerusalem turned awei bi turnyng awei ful of strijf? Thei han take leesyng, and nolden turne ayen.

Jeremiah 14:7

7 If oure wickidnessis answeren to vs, Lord, do thou for thi name, for oure turnyngis awei ben manye; we han synned ayens thee.

2 Corinthians 13:5

5 Asaie you silf, if ye ben in the feith; ye you silf preue. Whether ye knowen not you silf, for Crist Jhesu is in you? but in happe ye ben repreuable.

Jeremiah 3:12

12 Go thou, and crye these wordis ayens the north; and thou schalt seie, Thou aduersarie, Israel, turne ayen, seith the Lord, and Y schal not turne awei my face fro you; for Y am hooli, seith the Lord, and Y schal not be wrooth with outen ende.

1 John 1:9

9 If we knowlechen oure synnes, he is feithful and iust, that he foryyue to vs oure synnes, and clense vs from al wickidnesse.

Hebrews 6:4-6

4 But it is impossible, that thei that ben onys liytned, and `han tastid also an heuenly yifte, and ben maad parceneris of the Hooli Goost, 5 and netheles han tastid the good word of God, and the vertues of the world to comynge, and ben slidun fer awei, 6 that thei be renewid eftsoone to penaunce. Whiche eftsones crucifien to hem silf the sone of God, and han to scorn.

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