Bible verses about "wilderness" | Matthew

Numbers 33:1-56

1 These are the iourneyes of the children of Israell which went out of the land of Egypte wt theyr armies vnder Moses and Aaron. 2 And Moses wrote theyr goyinge oute by their iourneyes at the commaundement of the Lord: euen these are the iourneyes of their goynge out. 3 The chyldren of Israel departed from Rahemses the .xv. day of the fyrst moneth, on the morow after. Passeouer, and went out wyth an hye hand in the syghte of all Egypte, 4 whyle the Egypcyans buryed al their fyrstborne which the Lord had smytten amonge them. And vpon their goddes also the Lorde dyd execucyon. 5 And the children of Israel remoued from Rahemses and pitched in Socoth. 6 And they departed from Socoth & pytched their tentes in Ethan, whyche is in the edge of the wyldernesse. 7 And they remoued from Ethan & tourned vnto the entring of Hiroth whych is before Baall Zephon, and pitched before Migdol. 8 And they departed from before Hiroth and went thorowe the myddes of the sea into the wyldernesse, and went .iij. dayes iourney in the wildernesse of Ethan and pytched in Marah. 9 And they remoued from Marah and went vnto Elim where were .xij. fountaynes & .lxx. paulmetrees and they pitched there. 10 And they remoued from Elim & laye fast by the red sea. 11 And they remoued from the red sea and laye in the wyldernesse of Sin. 12 And they toke their iourney out of the wyldernesse of Sin, and set vp their tentes in Daphka. 13 And they departed from Daphka, & lay in Alus. 14 And they remoued from Alus, and lay at Raphedim, where was no water for the people to drynke. 15 And they departed from Raphedim, and pitched in the wyldernesse of Sinai. 16 And they remoued from the desert of Sinay, and lodged at the graues of lust. 17 And they departed from the sepulchres of lust, & lay at Hazeroth. 18 And they departed from Hazeroth, and pytched in Rithma. 19 And departed from Rithma and pytched at Rimon Parez. 20 And they departed from Rimon Parez, and pitched in Libna. 21 And they remoued from Libna, and pitched at Rissa. 22 And they iourneyed from Rissa and pytched in Kehelatha. 23 And they went from Kehelatha, & pitched in mounte Sapher, 24 And they remoued from mount Sapher and lay in Harada. 25 And they remoued from Harada, and pitched in Makeheloth. 26 And they remoued from Makeheloth, & laye at Tahath, 27 & they departed from Tahath & pitched at Tharath. 28 And they remoued from Tharath, and pitched in Mithca. 29 And they went from Mithca, an lodged in Hasmona. 30 And they departed from Hasmona, and laye at Moseroth. 31 And they departed from Moseroth, & pytched in BaneIakan. 32 And they remoued from BaneIakan, and lay at Horgadgad. 33 And they went from Horgadgad, & pitched in Iathhatha. 34 And they remoued from Iathhatha, and laye at Abrona. 35 And they departed from Abrona, and laye at Ezeon gaber. 36 And they remoued from Ezeon gaber, and pitched in the wyldernesse of Sin, whyche is Cades. 37 And they remoued from Cades, and pitched in mount Hor in the edge of the land of Edom. 38 And Aaron the Preast went vp into mount Hor at the commaundement of the Lord and dyed there, euen in the fortieth yere, after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, and in the fyrst day of the fyft moneth. 39 And Aaron was an hundred and .xxxiij. yere old when he died in mount Hor. 40 And kynge Exad the Canaanite which dwelt in the south of the londe of Canaan, hearde that the chyldren of Israell were come. 41 And they departed from mount Hor, & pytched in Zalmona. 42 And they departed from Zalmona, and pitched in Phimon, 43 and they departed from Phimon, & pitched in Oboth 44 and they departed frym Oboth, and pitched in Iehabarim in the borders of Moab. 45 And they departed from Iehabarim, & pitched in Dibon Gad. 46 And they remoued from Dibon Gad, and laye in Almon Diblathama. 47 And they remoued from Almon Diblathama, & pytched in the mountaynes of Abarim before Nabo. 48 And they departed from the mountaynes of Abarim, and pitched in the feldes of Moab fast by Iordan nye to Ierycho. 49 And ther pitched vpon Iordan, from Beth Haiesmoth vnto the playne of Abelsatim in the feldes of Moab. 50 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the feldes of Moab by Iordan nye vnto Ierycho, saying: 51 speake vnto the children of Israel and saye vnto them: when ye are come ouer Iordan into the lande of Canaan, 52 se that ye dryue out all the inhabiters of the lande before you, and destroye their chappelles and all their Images of Metall, and plucke downe all their alters buylte on hylles: 53 And possesse the lande and dwell therin, for I haue geuen you the lande to enioye it. 54 And ye shall deuyde the enheritaunce of the land by lot amonge youre kynredes, and geue to the mo the moare enheritaunce, and to the fewer the lesse enherytaunce. And youre enheritaunce shalbe in the trybes of youre fathers, in the place where euery mans lott falleth. 55 But and yf ye wyl not dryue out the inhabiters of the land before you, then those whyche ye let remayne of them, shalbe thornes in youre eyes & dartes in your sydes, & shall vexe you in the land wherin ye dwel. 56 Moreouer it wyl come to passe, that I shal do vnto you as I thought to do vnto them.

Genesis 16:7-11

7 And the Angell of the lord found her besyde a fountayn of water in the wildernes: euen by a well in the way to Sur. 8 And he sayde: Hagar Sarais mayde, whence comest thou & whether wylt thou goo? And she answered: I flee from my mastresse Sarai. 9 And the Angell of the Lorde sayde vnto her: returne to thy mastresse agayne, & submytte thy self vnder her handes. 10 And the angell of the lorde sayd vnto hir: I wyll so encrease thy seed, that it shall not be nombred for multitude. 11 And the Lordes angell sayde further vnto her: se, thou art wt chylde & shalt bere a sonne, & shalt call hys name Ismael: because the Lord hath herde thy trybulacion.

Revelation 12:6

6 And the woman fled into wyldernes, where she had a place prepared of God, that they should feede her there a thousand .ij. hundred and .lx. dayes.

Exodus 3:1

1 Moyses kepte the sheepe of Iethro hys father in lawe prieste of Madian, and he droue the flocke to the backesyde of the deserte, and came to the mountayne of God, Horeb.

Isaiah 43:19

19 Therfore beholde, I shall make a new thynge, & shortly shall it appeare: ye shall well knowe it, I told it you afore, but I wil tel it you agayne. I wyll make stretes in the deserte, & ryuers of water in the wylderne

Genesis 21:17-21

17 And God herde the voice of the chyld. And the angel of god called Hagar out of heauen and sayd vnto her: What ayleth the Hagar? Feare not, for god hath herde the voyce of the chyld where he lyeth. 18 Aryse and lyfte vp the lad, & take him in thy hande, for I wyl make of hym a greate people. 19 And God opened her eyes and she sawe a well of water. And she went & fylled the bottel wyth water, and gaue the boye drynke. 20 And God was wyth the lad, & he grewe and dwelt in the wildernesse, and became an archer. 21 And he dwelt in the wyldernesse of Pharan. And his mother got him a wyfe out of the land of Egypte.

Ezekiel 34:25

25 Moreouer, I wyll make a couenaunte of yeare with them, and driue al euyl beastes out of the lande: so that they maye dwell safelye in the wyldernes, and slepe in the wooddes.

Matthew 4:1-25

1 Then was Iesus led away of the spirite into wildernes, to be tempted of the deuyll. 2 And when he had fasted .xl. dayes & .xl. nightes, he was afterwarde an hungred. 3 Then came to him the temptour, & said: if thou be the sonne of God, commaunde that these stones be made bread. 4 He aunswered and said: it is written, man shall not lyue by breade onlye, but by euerye worde that procedeth out of the mouth of God. 5 Then the deuyll toke him vp into the holye cytye, and set him on a pinacle of the temple, 6 & sayd vnto him: if thou be the sonne of God cast thy selfe doune. For it is written, he shall geue his aungels charge ouer the, & with their handes they shal holde the vp, that thou dashe not thy fote against a stone: 7 And Iesus said to him, it is written also: Thou shalt not tempt thy lord God. 8 The deuil toke him vp again & ledde him into an exceding hye mountayne, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world, & al the glory of them, 9 & said to him: al these wyl I geue the, if thou wilt fall doune & worshyppe me. 10 Then sayd Iesus vnto him. Auoide sathan. For it is wrytten, thou shalt worshippe the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serue. 11 Then the diuel left him, & beholde, the aungels came and ministred vnto him. 12 When Iesus had heard that Iohn was taken, he departed into Galile 13 and left Nazareth, and went and dwelt in Capernaum, which is a citye vpon the sea, in the coastes of Zabulon & Nephthalim, 14 to fulfil that which was spoken by Esay the prophete, sayinge. 15 The lande of Zabulon and Nephthalym, the waye of the sea beyonde Iordan, Galile of the gentils, 16 the people which sate in darkenes, sawe great light, & to them which sate in the regyon and shadowe of death, light is begonne to shine. 17 From the tyme Iesus began to preache, & to say repent for the kingdom of heauen is at hand. 18 As Iesus walked by the sea of Galile, he sawe two brethren: Symon which was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fysshers, 19 & he sayed vnto them, folowe me, and I wyll make you fysshers of men. 20 And they straight waye left their nettes, and folowed hym. 21 And he went forth from thence, and sawe other two brethren, Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Ihon his brother, in the shippe wyth Zebede their father, mending their nets, and called them. 22 And they without tarringe left the shyp and their father and folowed hym. 23 And Iesus went about al Galile, teaching in their sinagoges, & preaching the gospel of the kingdome, & healed al maner of sickenes, & all maner of diseases among the people. 24 And his fame sprede abrode through out all Siria. And they brought vnto him all sycke people that were taken with diuers diseases & gripinges, and them that were possessed with deuils and those which were lunatike, & those that had the palsie: & he healed them, 25 & their folowed hym a great numbre of people, from Galyle. And from the ten cities, & from Ierusalem & from Iurie & from the regions that lye beiond Iordan.

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