Bible verses about "whores" | Matthew

Proverbs 7:5-18

5 that she may kepe the from the starnge woman, and from the harlot which geueth swete wordes, 6 For out of the window of my house I loked thorow the trealesse, 7 & beheld the simple people: and among other yong folkes I spyed one yonge fole 8 going ouer the stretes, by the corner in the way toward the harlots house 9 in the twylight of the euening, when it beganne now to be nyght and darke. 10 And beholde, ther met him a woman in an harlots apparel, 11 a dysceatful, wanton & vnstedfast woman: whose fet could not abide in the house, 12 now is she without, now in the stretes, lurketh in euery corner, 13 she caught the yonge man, kyssed hym, & was not ashamed, sayinge: 14 I had a vowe to paye, & thys daye I perfourme it. 15 Therfore came I forth to mete the, that I mighte seke thy face, and so I haue founde the. 16 I haue deckte my bed with couerynges & clothes of Egypte. 17 My bed haue I made to smell of myrre, Aloes, and Cynamon. 18 Come let vs lye together, and take our pleasure tyll it be daye lyghte.

Matthew 7:17-27

17 Euen so euery good tre bryngeth forth good fruite. But a corrupt tree, bringeth forth euyll fruyte. 18 A good tree can not bringe forthe bad fruyte: nor yet a bad tree can bringe forth good fruite. 19 Euery tree that bryngeth not forthe good fruite shalbe hewen downe, and cast into the fyre. 20 Wherfore by theyr fruytes ye shal knowe them. 21 Not al they that saye vnto me, Maister Maister, shal enter into the kingdome of heauen: but he that doeth my fathers will which is in heauen. 22 Many will saye to me in that daye: Maister, maister, haue we not in thy name prophesied? And in thy name haue cast out deuylles? And in thy name haue done many miracles? 23 And then will I knowledge vnto them, that I neuer knewe them. Departe from me, ye workers of iniquitie. 24 Whosoeuer heareth of me these sayinges and doethe the same, I wyll lyken hym vnto a wyse man which buylt hys housse on a rocke 25 and aboundaunce of rayne descended, and the flouddes came, and the windes blew and bet vpon that same housse, and it fell not because it was grounded on the rocke. 26 And whosoeuer heareth of me these sayinges and doeth them not, shalbe lykened vnto a folyshe man whyche buylt hys housse vpon the sande 27 and abundance of rayne descended, and the floudes came, and the wyndes blewe and bet vpon that housse, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.

Mark 9:43-45

43 Wherfore if thy hande offende the, cut hym of. It is better for the, to enter into lyfe maymed, then hauing two handes, go into hel, into fyre that neuer shal be quenched, 44 where their worme dyeth not, and the fyre neuer goeth out. 45 Likekewise if thy fote offende the, cut him of. For it is better for the to go halt into life, then hauinge two fete to be caste into hell, into fyre that neuer shalbe quenched:

Ezekiel 23:1-49

1 The worde of the Lorde came vnto me, sayinge: 2 Thou sonne of man, there were two wemen, that had one mother: 3 these (when they were younge) beganne to playe the harlottes in Egipte. There were their brestes brosed, and the pappes of their mayden head destroyed. 4 The eldest of them was called Oholah and her youngest syster Oholibah. These two were myne, & bare sonnes and doughters. Their names were, Samaria, and that was Oholah: and Ierusalem, that was Oholibah. 5 As for Oholah she beganne to go a whorynge, when I had taken her to me. She was set on fyre vpon her louers the Assirians, 6 whiche had to do with her: euen the princes & lordes, that were deckte in costly araye: fayre younge men, lusty riders of horses. 7 Thus thorowe her whordome she cleued vnto all the younge men of Assiria. Yea she was made vpon them, and defyled her self with al their Idols. 8 Neyther ceassed she from the fornicacyon, that she vsed wyth the Egyptians, for in her youth they laye wt her, they brosed the brestes of her maydenheade, and poored their whordome vpon her. 9 Wherfore I deliuered her into the handes of her louers euen the Assirians, whom she so loued. 10 These discouered her shame, toke her sonnes and doughters, and slue her with the swerde. An euyll name gat she of all people, and they punyshed her. 11 Her sister Oholibah sawe this, & destroyed her selfe with inordinate loue, more then she, & exceaded her syster in whordome: 12 she loued the Assirians (which also lay wt her) namelye the princes & greate lordes, that were clothed with all maner of gorgyous apparell, all lustye horsemen and faire younge personnes. 13 Then I sawe, that they bothe were defiled a like. 14 But she increased still in whordome: for when she sawe men paynted vpon the wall, the ymages of the Caldees set forthe wyth freshe colours, 15 with fayre gyrdles aboute them and goodly bonnettes vpon their heades, lokinge all like Princes (after the maner of the Babilonians and Caldees in their owne lande where they be borne) 16 immediatly, as sone as she sawe them, she brent in loue vpon them, & sent messaungers for them into the lande of the Caldees. 17 Now when the Babilonians came to her they laye with her, and defiled her with their whordome, and so was she polluted wyth them. And when her lust was abated from them: 18 her whordome and shame was dyscouered & sene: then my herte forsoke her, lyke as my herte was gone from her syster also. 19 Neuerthelesse she vsed her whordome euer the longer the more, and remembred the dayes of her youth, wherin she hath played the harlot in the lande of Egipte: 20 she brent in lust vpon them, whose flesh was like the fleshe of Asses & their sede like the sede of horses. 21 Thus thou hast renued the filthinesse of thy youth, when thy louers brosed thy pappes, & marred thy brestes in Egipte. 22 Therfore (O Oholibah) thus sayeth the lord God. I will raise vp thy louers (with whom thou hast satisfied thy lust) against the, and gather them together rounde aboute the: 23 namely, the Babilonians, & all the Caldees: Perod, Schoa and Coa, with al the Assirians: al younge and fayre louers: prynces and lordes knightes and gentlemen, whiche be all good horsmen: 24 These shal come vpon the with horses, charrettes, and a great multitude of people: whiche shalbe harnessed about the on euery side, with brestplates, sheldes and helmettes. I will punishe the before them, yea they them selues shal punish the, accordinge to their owne iudgement. 25 I will put my gelousy vpon the, so that they shall deale cruelly with the. They shall cut of thine nose and thyne eares, and the remnaunte shall fall thorow the swerde. They shall carie awaye thy sonnes and doughters, and the residue shalbe brent in the fyre. 26 They shall stripe the oute of thy clothes, and cary the costly Iewels away with them. 27 Thus wil I make an ende of thy filthinesse and whordome, whiche thou haste broughte oute of the lande of Egipte: so that thou shalt turne thyne eyes no more after them, and cast thy minde no more vpon Egipte. 28 For thus sayeth the Lorde: behold, I wil deliuer the into the handes of them, whom thou hatest: yea euen into the handes of them, wt whom thou hast fulfilled thy lust, 29 whiche shall deale cruellye with the: Al thy laboure shall they take with them, and leaue the naked & bare, & thus the shame of thy filthy whordome shal come to light. 30 All these thynges shall happen vnto the, because of thy whordome, whyche thou hast vsed amonge the Gentiles wyth whose Idoles thou hast defiled thy selfe. 31 Thou hast walcked in the waye of thy syster, therefore will I geue the her cuppe in thy hande. 32 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Thou shalte dryncke vp thy sisters cuppe, how depe and farre soeuer it be to the botome. Thou shalte be laughed to scorne, and had as greatlye in derysyon, as is possible. 33 Thou shalte be full of dronckennes and sorowe, for the cuppe of thy sister Samaria is a cuppe of destruccyon and wastynge: 34 the same shalt thou dryncke, & suppe it oute euen to the dregges, yea thou shalt eate vp the broken peces of it, and so feare thine owne brestes: For euen I haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God. 35 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so muche as thou hast forgotten me, & cast me aside, so beare now thyne owne fylthynesse & whordome. 36 The Lord sayde moreouer vnto me: Thou sonne of man wilt thou not reproue Oholah and Oholibah? Shewe them their abhominacyons: 37 namelye, that they haue broken their wedlocke, and stayned their handes with bloud: yea euen with their ydoles haue they committed aduoutry, & offered them their owne children (to be deuoured) whom they had borne vnto me. 38 Yea, and this haue they done vnto me: also, they haue defiled my Sanctuary in that same daye, & haue vnhalowed my Sabboth. 39 For when they haue slayne their children for their Idoles, they came the same daye into my Sanctuary to defile it. Lo, thys haue they done in my house. 40 Beside all thys, thou hast sent thy messaungers for men oute of farre countreyes: and when they came, thou hast bated, trimmed and set forth thy selfe of the best fashion: 41 thou sattest vpon a goodlye bed, & a table spred before the: whervpon thou hast set mine incense and myne oyle. 42 Then was there greate cheare with her, & the men that were sent from farre countreyes ouer the desert, vnto these they gaue bracelettes vpon their handes, and set glorious crounes vpon their heades: 43 then thought I: no doute, these will vse their harlotry also wyth yonder old whore. 44 And they wente into her, as vnto a comen harlot: Euen so wente they also to Oholah & Oholibah those fylthy wemen. 45 O ye all that loue vertu & ryghteousnes, iudge them, punish them, as aduoutrers and murtherers ought to be iudged & punished. For they are breakers of wedlocke, and the bloude is in their handes. 46 Wherfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: bringe a great multitude of people vpon them, & make them be scatred and spoyled: 47 these shall stone them, & gore them with their swerdes. They shall slaye their sonnes and doughters and burne vp their houses with fyre. 48 Thus will I destroye all such filthynes out of the land: that al wemen may learne, not to do after your vnclennesse. 49 And so they shal lay your filthinesse vpon your owne selues, & ye shalbe punished for the sinnes, that ye haue committed with your Idols, & ye shall know that I am the Lorde.

Ephesians 5:1-6:24

1 Be ye folowers of God as deare children, 2 and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs, and gaue hym selfe for vs, an offeringe, and a sacrifice of a swete sauoure to God. 3 So that fornicacion and vncleanes, or couetousnes be not ones named amonge you, as it becommeth sainctes: 4 neyther fylthynes, neyther folyshe talkinge, neither gestinge whiche are not comely: but rather geuinge of thankes. 5 For this ye knowe, that no whormonger, other vncleane persone, or couetous person, whyche is the worshypper of Images, hath anye inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christe and of God. 6 Let no man deceiue you with vayne wordes. For thorowe suche thinges commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of vnbelefe. 7 Be not therfore companions wyth them. 8 Ye were ones darckenes, but are nowe lyghte in the Lorde. Walke as chyldren of lyghte. 9 For the fruite of the spirite is in all goodnes, ryghtuousnes and trueth. 10 Accepte that whiche is pleasinge to the Lorde: 11 and haue no fellowshyp wyth the vnfruitfull workes of darckenes: but rather rebuke them. 12 For it is shame euen to name those thinges, whiche are done of them in secrete: 13 but all thinges, when they are rebuked of the lyghte are manifeste. For what soeuer is manifeste, that same is lyght. 14 Wherfore he sayth: awake thou that slepest, and stand vp from death, and Christ shall geue the lyght. 15 Take hede therfore that ye walke circumspectlye: not as foles, but as wyse 16 redeminge the time, for the dayes are iuel. 17 Wherfore be ye not vnwise, but vnderstande what the wyll of the Lorde is, 18 and be not drounke wt wyne. wherin is excesse, but be fulfylled wyth the spirite, 19 speakinge vnto your selues in Psalmes, and Hymnes, and spiritual sounges, singing and makinge melodye to the Lorde in your hertes, 20 geuinge thankes alwayes for al thinges vnto God the father, in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christe, 21 submittinge your selues one to another in the feare of God. 22 Women submitte youre selues vnto your owne husbandes, as vnto the Lorde. 23 For the husbande is the wyues head, euen as Christe is the heade of the congregation, and the same is the sauiour of the body. 24 Therfore as the congregation is in subieccion to Christe, lykewyse let the wyues be in subieccion to theyr husbandes in all thynges. 25 Husbandes loue youre wyues, euen as Christe loued the congregation, and gaue him selfe for it, 26 to sanctifye it, and cleansed it in the fountayne of water thorowe the worde 27 to make it vnto hym selfe a glorious congregation wythout spotte or wrinckle, or anye suche thinge: but that it shoulde be holy and wythout blame. 28 So ought men to loue theyr wyues, as their owne bodies. He that loueth hys wyfe, loueth him selfe. 29 For no man euer yet hated hys owne fleshe, but norisheth and cherisseth it euen as the Lorde doeth the congregation. 30 For we are members of his bodie, of his fleshe, and of hys bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leaue father and mother, and shall continue wyth hys wyfe, and two shalbe made one fleshe. 32 Thys is a greate secrete, but I speake betwene Christe and the congregation. 33 Neuerthelesse do ye so that euerye one of you loue his wyfe truely euen as hym selfe: And let the wyfe se that she feare her husbande.

Ephesians 6:1-24

1 Chyldren obeye youre fathers and mothers in the Lorde: for so is it ryght. 2 Honoure thy father and mother, that is the fyrst commaundemente that hath anye promes, 3 that thou mayeste be in good estate, and liue longe on the earth. 4 And ye fathers, moue not youre children to wrath, but bringe them vp with the norter and information of the Lorde. 5 Seruauntes be obedient vnto youre carnall maisters, wyth feare and tremblinge, in singlenes of youre hertes, as vnto Christe, 6 not wyth seruice in the eye sight, as men pleasers, but as the seruauntes of Christe, doynge the wyll of God frome the herte 7 wyth good wyll seruynge the Lorde, & not men. 8 And remembre that, whatsoeuer good thinge any man doeth, that shall he receiue agayne of the Lorde, whether he be bounde or fre. 9 And ye maisters, do euen the same thinges vnto them puttinge awaye threateninges: and remembre that euen your maister also is in heauen, neither is ther anye respect of person wyth hym. 10 Finally my brethren, be stronge in the Lord and in the power of his myghte. 11 Put on the armoure of God, that ye maye stande stedfaste agaynste the crafty assautes of the deuyll. 12 For we wrestle not againste fleshe and bloude: but against rule, agaynst power, and againste worldlye rulers of the darckenes of thys worlde, againste spyrytuall wickednes, for heauenly thynges. 13 For thys cause take vnto you the armoure of God, that ye maye be able to resiste in the euyl daye, and stande perfect in al thinges. 14 Stande therfore, and your loynes gyrde about wyth veritie, hauinge on the breste plate of rightuousnes, 15 and shoed with shoes prepared by the Gospel of peace. 16 Aboue all take to you the shelde of fayth, wherwith ye maye quench all the fyrie dartes of the wycked. 17 And take the helmet of saluacion and the swerd of the spyrite, which is the word of God. 18 And praye all wayes wyth all maner prayer and supplicacion: and that in the spirite, and watch therunto with all instaunce and supplication for all sainctes, 19 and for me, that vtteraunce maye be geuen vnto me, that I maye open my mouth bloudly, to vtter the secretes of the Gospel, 20 wherof I am a messenger in boundes that therin I may speake frely, as it becommeth me to speake. 21 But that ye maye also knowe what condicion I am in and what I do. Tichicus my deare brother and faythfull mynyster in the Lorde, shal shewe you of all thinges, 22 whom I sent vnto you for the same purpose, that ye myght knowe what case I stand in, and that he myght comforte your hertes. 23 Peace be with the brethren, and loue with fayth from God the father, and from the Lorde Iesus Christe. 24 Grace be with al them whiche loue oure Lorde Iesus Christe in purenes. Amen.

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