Bible verses about "singing" | Matthew

Psalms 95:1

1 O come let vs prayse the Lord, let vs hertely reioyse in the strength of our saluacion.

Psalms 13:6

6 I will singe of the Lorde, that dealeth so louingly with me. (Yea, I wil prayse the name of the Lorde the moost hyest.)

Psalms 104:33

33 I wyll synge vnto the Lorde as longe as I lyue, I will prayse my God whyle I haue my beyng.

Psalms 105:2

2 O let your songes be of him prayse hym, and let your talking be of al hys wonderous workes.

Zephaniah 3:17

17 for the Lorde thy GOD is with the, it is he that hath power to saue: he hath a specyall pleasure in the, & a maruelous loue towarde the: yea, he reioyseth ouer the wyth gladnesse.

Acts 16:25

25 At mydnyght Paule and Sylas prayed, & lauded God. And the prysoners hearde them.

1 Corinthians 14:15

15 What is it then? I wyl praye with the spirite, and wyll praye with mynde also. I wil singe with the spyrite, and wil singe with the minde also.

Psalms 150:1-6

1 Prayse the euerlastyng. O prayse the Lord in his Sanctuary, prayse hym in the fyrmament of hys power. 2 Prayse hym in his noble actes, prayse him in hys excellent greatnesse. 3 Prayse hym in the sounde of the trompet, prayse hym vpon the lute and harpe. 4 Prayse hym in the cymbales and daunse prayse hym vpon the strynges and pype. 5 Prayse hym vpon the weltuned cymbals prayse him vpon the loude cymbales. 6 Let euery thing that hath breth, prayse the Lorde. Prayse the euerlastynge.

Ephesians 5:19

19 speakinge vnto your selues in Psalmes, and Hymnes, and spiritual sounges, singing and makinge melodye to the Lorde in your hertes,

James 5:13

13 Yf any of you be euyll vexed, let hym praye. Yf anye of you be merye, let hym singe Psalmes.

Psalms 147:1

1 Prayse the euerlastyng. O prayse the Lord, for it is a good thyng to sing prayses vnto our God: yea, a ioyful & pleasaunt thing is it to be thankeful.

Psalms 95:1-2

1 O come let vs prayse the Lord, let vs hertely reioyse in the strength of our saluacion. 2 Let vs come before his presence with thankesgeuynge, & shewe oure selfe gladde in hym with Psalmes.

Colossians 3:16

16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you plenteouslye in all wysdome. Teache and exhorte youre owne selues, in psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songes, whiche haue fauoure with them, singinge in your hertes to the Lorde.

Psalms 100:1-2

1 A Psalme of praise. O be ioiful in God (al ye landes) 2 serue the Lorde with gladnes, come before his presence wyth ioye.

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