Bible verses about "psalms" | Matthew

Psalms 19:1-14

1 To the chaunter, a Psalm of Dauid. The very heauens declare the glory of God, and the very firmament sheweth his handy worcke. 2 One daye telleth another, and one nyght certifyeth another. 3 There is neyther speach ner language, but their voices are hard among them. 4 Their sounde is gone oute into all landes, and their wordes into the endes of the worlde. 5 In them hathe he sette a tabernacle for the Sunne, whych commeth forthe as a brydegrome out of his chamber, and reioyseth as a giaunt to runne his course. 6 It goeth forth from the one ende of the heauen, and runneth aboute vnto the same ende agayne, and there maye no man hyde hym selfe from the heate therof. 7 The lawe of the Lorde is a perfecte lawe it quickeneth the soule. The testimonye of the Lorde is true, and geueth wisdome euen vnto babes. 8 The statutes of the Lord are ryght, and reioyse the hert: the commaundement of the lord is pure, and geueth lyght vnto the eyes. 9 The feare of the Lorde is cleane, and endureth for euer: the iudgementes of the Lord are true and ryghtuous altogether. 10 More pleasaunt are they then golde, yea then much fyne golde: sweter then hony and the hony combe. 11 These thy seruaunt kepeth, & for kepynge of them there is great reward. 12 Who can tell, how oft he offendeth? Oh clense thou me fro my secrete fautes. 13 Kepe the seruaunt also from presumptuous synnes, lest they get the dominion ouer me: so shall I be vndefyled and innocent from the greate offence. 14 Yea the words of my mouth and the meditacion of my herte shalbe acceptable vnto the, O Lorde, my helper and my redemer.

Psalms 51:1-19

1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid, when the prophet Nathan came vnto hym, after he was gone into Bethsabe. Haue mercy vpon me (O God) after thy goodnes, & according vnto thy great mercyes, do awaye myne offences. 2 Wash me well fro my wickednesse, and clense me fro my synne. 3 For I knowledge my fautes, & my synne is euer before me. 4 Agaynst the only, agaynst the haue I sinned, & done euel in thy sight: that thou mightest be iustified in thy saynges, and shouldest ouercome when thou art iudged. 5 Beholde, I was borne in wickednesse, & in synne hath my mother conceyued me. 6 But lo, thou hast a pleasure in the trueth, and hast shewed me secrete wisdome. 7 O purge me with Isope, and I shall be cleane: wash thou me, and I shalbe whyter then snowe. 8 Oh let me heare of ioye & gladnesse, that the bones which thou hast broken, maye reioyse. 9 Turne thy face from my synnes, & put oute all my misdedes. 10 Make me a cleane hert, O God, & renue a right sprete within me. 11 Cast me not awaye from thy presence, & take not thy holy sprete from me. 12 O geue me the comforte of thy helpe agayne, and stablish me with thy sprete. 13 Then shall I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked, that sinners may be conuerted vnto the. 14 Deliuer me from bloude giltinesse, O God, thou that art the God of my health, that my tonge may prayse thy righteousnesse. 15 Open my lyppes, O LORD, that my mouth maye shewe thy prayse. 16 For if thou haddest pleasure in sacrifice, I wolde geue it the: but thou delytest not in burntofferinges. 17 The sacryfice of God is a troubled spirit a broken and a contrite hert, O God, shalte thou not despyse. 18 O be fauourable gracyous vnto Syon, that the walles of Ierusalem maye be buylded, 19 For when shalt thou be pleased wyth the sacrifice of ryghtuousnes, with the burntofferinges and oblations: then shal they laye bullockes vpon thine alter.

Psalms 150:1-6

1 Prayse the euerlastyng. O prayse the Lord in his Sanctuary, prayse hym in the fyrmament of hys power. 2 Prayse hym in his noble actes, prayse him in hys excellent greatnesse. 3 Prayse hym in the sounde of the trompet, prayse hym vpon the lute and harpe. 4 Prayse hym in the cymbales and daunse prayse hym vpon the strynges and pype. 5 Prayse hym vpon the weltuned cymbals prayse him vpon the loude cymbales. 6 Let euery thing that hath breth, prayse the Lorde. Prayse the euerlastynge.

Isaiah 40:8

8 Neuerthelesse whether the grasse wyther, or the floure fade awaye: Yet the worde of oure God endureth for euer. Moreouer the voyce cried thus:

2 Timothy 3:16

16 For al scripture geuen by inspyracion of God, is profytable to teache, to improue, to amende and to instruct in ryghtuousnes,

Ephesians 5:19

19 speakinge vnto your selues in Psalmes, and Hymnes, and spiritual sounges, singing and makinge melodye to the Lorde in your hertes,

Psalms 91:1-16

1 Who so dwelleth vnder the defence of the most hyest, & abydeth vnder the shadowe of the almightye. 2 He shal say vnto the Lorde: O my hope, and my strong holde, my God, in whome I will trust. 3 For he shall delyuer the from the snare of the hunter, and from the noysome pestylence. 4 He shall couer the vnder hys wynges, that thou mayest be safe vnder his fethers: his faythfulnesse & trueth shalbe thy shylde and buckler. 5 So that thou shalt not nede to be afrayed for any bugges by night, nor for the arrowe that flyeth by daye. 6 For the pestilence that crepeth in the darkenesse, nor for the sikenesse that destroyeth in the noone daye. 7 A thousande shall fall beside the, and ten thousande at thy righthande, but it shall not come nye the. 8 Yea, with thyne eyes shalt thou beholde, and se the rewarde of the vngodly. 9 For thou Lorde art my hope, thou hast set thyne house of defence very hye. 10 There shall no euell happen vnto the, neither shall any plage come nye thy dwelling. 11 For he shall gyue his aungels charge ouer the, to kepe the in all thy wayes. 12 They shall beare the in their handes, that thou hurt not thy fote agaynst a stone. 13 Thou shalt go vpon the Lyon and Adder the yonge lyon and the Dragon shalte thou treade vnder thy fete. 14 Because he hath set his loue vppon me, I shall deliuer hym: I shal defende him, for he hath knowen my name. 15 When he calleth vpon me, I shall heare hym: yea, I am with hym in hys trouble, wherout I will deliuer him, and bring hym to honoure. 16 With longe lyfe will I satisfye him, and shewe hym my saluacion.

Psalms 37:1-40

1 A Psalme of Dauid. Fret not thy selfe at the vngodly be not thou enuious agaynst the euel doers. 2 For they shall soone be cutte doune lyke the grasse, & be wythered euen as the grene herbe. 3 Put thou thy trust in the Lorde, and be doyng good: so shalt thou dwel in the lande, & verely it shall fede the. 4 Delyte thou in the Lorde, & he shall geue the thy hertes desire. 5 Committe thy waye vnto the Lorde, sette thy hope in hym, and he shall brynge it too passe. 6 He shal make thy righteousnesse as cleare as the light, & thy iust dealynge as the noone daye. 7 Holde the styl in the Lord, and abyde paciently vpon hym: but greue not thy selfe at one that hath prosperytie, and lyueth in abhominacion. 8 Leaue of from wrath, let go displeasure, let not thy gelousy moue the also to do euell. 9 For wycked doers shalbe roted oute, but they that paciently abyde the Lord, shall enheret the lande. 10 Suffre yet a litle whyle, and the vngodly shalbe cleane gone: thou shalt loke after hys place, and he shalbe awaye. 11 But the meke spreted shall possesse the earth, and haue pleasure in muche rest. 12 The vngodly layeth wayte for the iust, & gnassheth vpon him with his tethe. 13 But the Lord laugheth him to scorne, for he seyth that his daye is commyng. 14 The vngodly drawe oute the swerde & bende their bowe, to caste doune the simple and poore, and to slaye suche as go the right waye. 15 Neuertheles, their swerde shal go thorow their owne hert, and theyr bowe shalbe broken. 16 A small thinge that the righteous hath, is better then great ryches of the vngodly. 17 For the armes of the vngodly shalbe broken, but the Lorde vpholdeth the ryghteous. 18 The Lord knoweth the dayes of the Godly and their inheritaunce endureth for euer. 19 They shall not be confounded in the perlous tyme, and in the daies of derth thei shal haue ynough. 20 As for the vngodly, they shall perysh: and when the enemyes of the Lorde are in theyr floures, they shall consume, yea, euen as the smoke shall they consume awaye. 21 The vngodly boroweth and payeth not agayne, but the righteous is mercyfull and lyberall. 22 Such as be blessed of hym, shall possesse the lande: and they whome he curseth, shalbe roted out. 23 The Lorde ordreth a good mans goynge, and hath pleasure in hys waye. 24 Though he fall, he shall not be hurte, for the Lorde vpholdeth him with his hande. 25 I haue bene yonge, and now am olde: yet sawe I neuer the righteous forsaken, nor hys sede to seke their bread. 26 The righteous is euer mercifull, and lendeth gently, therfore shal his sede be blessed. 27 Fle from euell, and do the thynge that is good, so shalt thou dwell for euer. 28 For the Lorde loueth the thynge that is ryght, he forsaketh not hys sainctes, but thei shalbe preserued for euermore: as for the sede of the vngodly, it shalbe roted out. 29 Yea, the righteous shal possesse the land, and dwell therein for euer. 30 The mouth of the righteous is exercised in wysdome, and hys tonge talketh of iudgement. 31 The lawe of his God is in his hert, therfore shall not his fotesteppes slyde. 32 The vngodly seyth the righteous, & goeth aboute to slaye hym. 33 But the Lorde will not leaue him in hys handes, nor condempne him when he is iudged. 34 Hope thou in the Lord, & kepe his waye, & he shal so promote the, that thou shalt haue the lande by enheritaunce, and se, when the vngodly shall perishe. 35 I my selfe haue sene the vngodly in great power, & florishinge lyke a grene baye tree: 36 but when I went by, lo, he was gone: I sought hym, but he coulde no where be founde. 37 Kepe innocency, and take hede vnto the thynge that is ryghte, for that shall brynge a man peace at the last. 38 As for the transgressours, they shall peryshe together, and the vngodly shall be roted out at the laste. 39 The helpe of the righteous commeth of the Lorde, he is their strength in the tyme of trouble. 40 The Lorde shall stande by them, and saue them: he shall delyuer them from the vngodly and helpe them, because they put their truste in hym.

Psalms 1:1-6

1 O blessed is the man, that goeth not in the counsayll of the vngodly: that abydeth not in the waie of sinners and sitteth not in the seate of the scorneful. 2 But deliteth in the lawe of the Lord, and exercyseth hym self in hys lawe, bothe daye and nyght. 3 Suche a man is lyke a tree planted by the watersyde, that bringeth forthe hys frute in due season. His leaues shall not fall af, & loke whatsoeuer he doth, it shall prospere. 4 As for the vngodly, it is not so with them but they are lyke the dust, wych the wynde scatered awaye from the grounde. 5 Thefore the vngodly shall not be able to stande in the iudgement, nether the synners in the congregacyon of the ryghtuous. 6 For the Lorde aloweth the waye of the righteous, but the waye of the vngodly shal peryshe.

Colossians 3:16

16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you plenteouslye in all wysdome. Teache and exhorte youre owne selues, in psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songes, whiche haue fauoure with them, singinge in your hertes to the Lorde.

Psalms 23:1-6

1 A Psalme of Dauid. The Lord is my shepherde, I can want nothynge. 2 He fedeth me in a grene pasture, and ledeth me to a freshe water. 3 He quickeneth my soule, and bryngeth me forth in the waye of righteousnes for his names sake. 4 Though I should walke now in the valley of the shadow of death, yet I feare not euel for thou arte with me: thy staffe & thy shepehoke comforte me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me agaynste myne enemyes: thou anoyntest my head with oyle, and fyllest my cuppe ful. 6 Oh let thy louing kyndnes and mercy folowe me all the dayes of my life, that I may dwell in the house of the Lorde for euer.

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