Bible verses about "path" | Matthew

Mark 1:3

3 The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes prepare the waye of the Lord: make hys pathes strayghte.

2 Peter 1:20-21

20 So that ye fyrste knowe this, that no prophesye in the scripture hath any priuate interpretacion. 21 For the scrypture came neuer by the wyl of man, but holye men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghoste.

Hebrews 10:26

26 For yf we synne wyllyngly after that we haue receyued the knowledge of the trueth, ther remayneth no more sacryfyce for synnes,

Galatians 5:22-23

22 But the frute of the spiryte, is loue, ioye peace, longe sufferynge, gentylnes, goodnes, faithfulnes, 23 mekenes, temperauncye. Against suche there is no lawe.

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch, for your aduersary the deuyll as a roringe Lyon walketh aboute, sekinge whom he may deuour,

Proverbs 3:5

5 Put thy trust in the Lord wyth all thyne hert, and leane not vnto thyne own vnderstandinge.

John 14:6

6 Iesus sayd vnto hym: I am the waye, the truthe and the lyfe. And no man commeth to the father, but by me.

Mark 1:1-45

1 The begynning of the gospell of Iesu Christ, the sonne of God, 2 as it is written in the prophetes. Beholde, I send my messenger before thy face which shal prepare thy waye before the 3 The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes prepare the waye of the Lord: make hys pathes strayghte. 4 Iohn dyd baptyse in the wyldernes, and preache the baptisme of repentaunce: for the remissyon of synnes. 5 And all the lande of Iury and they of Ierusalem wente out vnto him, & were all baptysed of hym in the riuer Iordan: confessyng theyr synnes. 6 Iohn was clothed with camylles heare, & with a gerdyll of a skyn about hys loynes. And he dyd eate locustes, and wilde honey, 7 & preached saiynge: a stronger then I commeth after me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to stoupe doune, and vnlose. 8 I haue baptysed you with water: but he shal baptyse you with the holye ghost. 9 And it came to passe in those dayes, that Iesus came from Nazareth, a citye of Galile: and was baptysed of Iohn in Iordan. 10 And assone as he was come out of the water Iohn saw heauen open, and the holy ghost descendynge vpon him lyke a doue. 11 And there came a voyce from heauen: Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte. 12 And immediatly the spirite draue hym into wyldernes, 13 & he was there in the wyldernes .xl. dayes, and was tempted of Sathan, & was with wylde beastes. And the Aungels minystred vnto hym. 14 After Iohn was taken, Iesus came into Galyle, preachynge the gospell of the kyngedom of God, 15 and sayinge: the tyme is come, & the kyngdome of God is at hande, repente & beleue the Gospell. 16 And as he walked by the sea of Galile, he saw Simon & Andrew hys brother, castyng nettes into the sea, for they were fishers. 17 And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me, and I wyll make you fishers of men: 18 And strayghtwaye they forsoke theyr nettes, and folowed hym. 19 And when he had gone a lyttell further thence, he sawe Iames the sonne of Zebede, & Iohn hys brother, euen as they were in the shyppe mendynge theyr nettes. 20 And anone he called them. And they left theyr father Zebede in the shyppe with hys hyred seruauntes, & went theyr waye after hym. 21 And they entred into Capernaum: & straight waye on the Saboth dayes, he entred into the synagoge & taught. 22 And they merueyled at hys learning. For he taught them as one that had power with hym, and not as the scrybes. 23 And there was in theyr Synagoge a man vexed with an vncleane spirite, that cryed 24 saiyng: let be: what haue we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy vs, I knowe the what thou arte, euen the holye of God. 25 And Iesus rebuked him, saying: hold thy peace, and come out of hym. 26 And the vncleane spirite tare hym, & cryed with a loude voyce, and came out of hym. 27 And they were al amased, in so muche that they demaunded one of another, amonge them selues saying: what thyng is thys? what newe doctryne is this? For he commaundeth the foule spirites with power, and they obeye hym. 28 And immediatly hys fame spred abroade throughoute al the regyon borderynge on Galile. 29 And forth with, assone as they were come out of the synagoge, they entred into the house of Simon and Andrew, with Iames and Iohn 30 & Symons mother in law lay sicke of a fewer. And anone they told him of her. 31 And he came and toke her by the hande, and lyfte her vp, & the fewer forsoke her by and by: and she ministred vnto them. 32 And at euen when the sunne was doune, they brought to hym all that were dyseased, & them that were possessed with deuyls. 33 And al the cytye gathered together at the dore, 34 & he healed many that were sicke of dyuers dyseases. And he cast out manye deuyls, and suffered not the deuyls to speake, because they knew hym. 35 And in the mornyng very early, Iesus arose and went oute into a solytarye place, & there prayed. 36 And Simon and they that were wyth hym folowed after him. 37 And when they had founde hym, they sayed vnto hym: al men seke for the. 38 And he sayed vnto them: let vs go into the next townes, that I maye preach there also: for truely I came out for that purpose. 39 And he preached in theyr synagoges, throughoute all Galile, and caste the deuyls out. 40 And there came a leper to hym, besechinge hym, and kneled doune vnto hym, and sayde to hym: yf thou wylt, thou cannest make me cleane. 41 And Iesus had compassyon on hym, and put forth hys hande, touched hym, & sayd to hym: I wyl, be thou cleane. 42 And assone as he had spoken, immediatly the leprosy departed from hym, & he was clensed. 43 And he charged hym, and sent him awaye forthwith 44 and sayde vnto hym: Se thou say nothyng to any man: but get the hence, and shewe thy selfe to the priest, and offer for thy clensing, those thinges whiche Moyses commaunded, for a testimonial vnto them. 45 But he (assone as he departed) beganne to tell many thynges, & to publyshe the dede: in so muche that Iesus coulde no more openlye enter into the citie, but was without in desert places. And they came to him from euerye quarter.

Psalms 16:11

11 Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe: thou shalte make me full of ioye wyth thy countenaunce. At thy ryght hande there is pleasure and ioye for euermore.

Matthew 7:13

13 Enter in at the strayte gate: for wide is the gate and broade is the way that leadeth to destruction: and many there be whiche go in therat.

Proverbs 3:6

6 In all thy wayes haue respecte vnto hym, & he shal ordre thy goinges.

Psalms 119:105

105 Nun. Thy woorde is a lanterne vnto my fete and a light vnto my pathes.

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