Bible verses about "mexicans" | Matthew

Matthew 16:15-19

15 He sayde vnto them: but whome saye ye that I am? 16 Simon Peter aunswered and sayde: Thou arte Christ the sonne of the liuynge God. 17 And Iesus aunswered and sayde to hym: happy arte thou Symon the sonne of Ionas, for fleshe & bloude hath not opened vnto the that, but my father which is in heauen. 18 And I saye also vnto the that thou arte Peeter: and vpon thys rocke I wil buylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shall not preuayle against it. 19 And I wil geue vnto the, the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen, and whatsoeuer thou bindest vpon earth shalbe bounde in heauen, and whatsoeuer thon lowsest on earth shalbe lowsed in heauen.

Matthew 9:6-8

6 That ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power to forgeue synnes in earth: then sayed he vnto the sicke of the palsie: aryse, take vp thy bed, and go home to thyne house. 7 And he arose and departed to hys owne house. 8 And when the people sawe it, they marueyled & glorifyed God whiche hath geuen suche power to men.

Romans 2:6-8

6 whyche wyll rewarde euerye man according to hys dedes: 7 that is to say, prayse, honoure and immortalytye, to them whyche continue in good doynge and seke eternall lyfe. 8 But vnto them that are rebellious and disobey the trueth, and folowe iniquitie, shall come indignacion and wrath, 9 tribulacion and anguishe, vpon the souls of euerye man that doeth euyll: of the Iewe fyrst, and also of the gentyll. 10 To euery man that doth good, shall come prayse, honoure, and peace, to the Iewe fyrst, and also to the gentil. 11 For ther is no parcialitie with God. But whosoeuer hath synned without lawe,

John 20:19-23

19 The same day at night, which was the morowe after the saboth day, when the dores wer shut, wher the disciples were assembled together for fear of the Iewes, came Iesus and stode in the myddes, and saide to them: peace be wyth you. 20 And when he had so sayed, he shewed vnto them his handes, and hys syde. Then were the dyscyples glade when they sawe the Lorde. 21 Then sayde Iesus to them agayne: peace be with you. As my father sente me euen so sende I you. 22 And when he had sayd that he brethed on them and sayde. Receyue the holy ghost. 23 Whosoeuers synnes ye remyt they are remitted vnto them. And whosoeuers synnes ye retayne, they are retayned.

Acts 2:38-39

38 Peter sayde vnto them: repent and be baptysed euerye one of you in the name of Iesus Christe for the remission of sinnes, and ye shall receiue the gifte of the holye ghost. 39 For the promyse was made vnto you and to your chyldren, & to all that are a farre, euen as manye as the Lorde oure God shall call.

Romans 2:6-16

6 whyche wyll rewarde euerye man according to hys dedes: 7 that is to say, prayse, honoure and immortalytye, to them whyche continue in good doynge and seke eternall lyfe. 8 But vnto them that are rebellious and disobey the trueth, and folowe iniquitie, shall come indignacion and wrath, 9 tribulacion and anguishe, vpon the souls of euerye man that doeth euyll: of the Iewe fyrst, and also of the gentyll. 10 To euery man that doth good, shall come prayse, honoure, and peace, to the Iewe fyrst, and also to the gentil. 11 For ther is no parcialitie with God. But whosoeuer hath synned without lawe, 12 shall perishe wythout lawe. And as many as haue synned vnder the lawe, shalbe iudged by the law. 13 For before God they are not ryghtuous whiche heare the lawe: but the doers of the lawe shalbe iustifyed. 14 For yf the Gentyls whiche haue no lawe do of nature the thinges contayned in the lawe: then they hauynge no lawe, are a law vnto them selues, 15 which shew the dedes of the lawe wrytten in theyr hertes: whyle theyr conscience beareth witnes vnto them, and also theyr thoughtes, accusyng one another, or excusynge 16 at the daye when God shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ accordynge to my Gospell.

Philippians 2:12-13

12 Wherfore my dearlye beloued, as ye haue alwayes obeyed, not when I was presente onelye, but nowe much more in myne absence euen so worke out your owne saluacion wt feare and trembling. 13 For it is God, whyche worketh in you, both the wyll and also the dede, euen of good wyl.

James 2:20-24

20 Wylt thou vnderstande (O thou vayne man) that fayth without dedes is dead? 21 Was not Abraham oure father iustifyed thorowe workes when he offered Isaac hys sonne vpon the aultare? 22 Thou seyste howe that faythe wroughte wyth hys dedes, & through the dedes was faythe made perfecte: 23 and the scrypture was fulfylled whiche sayeth: Abraham beleued God, and it was reputed vnto hym for ryghtuousnes: and he was called the frende of God. 24 Ye se then how that of dedes a man is iustifyed, and not of fayth onely. 25 Lykewyse also was not Raab the harlot iustifyed thorowe workes, when she receyued the messengers, and sente them out another way? 26 For as the bodye, without the spyryte is dead euen so fayth wythout dedes is dead.

1 Corinthians 7:10-11

10 Vnto the maryed commaunded not I but the Lorde: that the wyfe separate not her selfe from the man. 11 Yf she separate her selfe, let her remayne vnmaryed, or be reconcilied to her husband againe. And let not the husband put away his wife from him.

1 Corinthians 7:7-8

7 For I woulde that all men were as I my selfe am: but euerie man hath hys proper gyfte of God, one after this maner, another after that. 8 I saye vnto the vnmaryed men and wyddowes: it is good for them, if they abyed euen as I do.

1 Corinthians 7:32-34

32 I would haue you without care. The single man careth for the thinges of the Lorde howe he maye please the Lorde. 33 But he that hath maried, careth for the thinges of the worlde howe he may please his wyfe. 34 There is difference betwene a virgine and a wyfe. The single woman careth for the thinges of the Lorde, that she maye be pure both in bodye and also in spyryte. But she that is maried, careth for the thinges of the worlde, howe she maye please her husbande.

2 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Therfore brethren stande fast and kepe the ordinaunces which ye haue learned: whether it were by oure preachynge or by epistle.

2 Thessalonians 3:6

6 We requyre you brethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ, that ye wythdrawe your selues from euerye brother that walketh inordinatelye and not after the institucyon whiche ye receyued of vs.

1 Corinthians 11:1-2

1 Folowe me, as I do Christe. 2 I commende you brethren that ye remembre me in al thinges, & kepe the ordinaunces euen as I deliuered them to you.

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