Bible verses about "liquor" | Matthew

Isaiah 5:11

11 Wo be vnto them that ryse vp earlye to vse them selues in dronkennes, & yet at nyght are more superfluous wyth wyne.

Proverbs 31:4

4 O Lamuel, geue kynges no wyne, geue kynges & princes no strong drincke:

1 Timothy 5:23

23 Drink no lenger water, but vse a lytle wyne for thy stomakes sake, and thyne often dyseases.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9 Do ye not remembre, howe that the vnrightuous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceyued. For neither fornicatours, neither worshipers of ymages, neither whormongers, neyther weaklinges, neither abusers of them selues wyth the mankynde, 10 neither theues, neythe couetous, neither dronkardes, neither cursed speakers, neither pyllars, shall inherete the kyngedome of God.

Galatians 5:21

21 enuiynge, murther, drounkennes, glottonye, and suche lyke: of the whiche I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tymes past, that they whiche commytte suche thynges shall not enheryte the kingdome of God.

1 Corinthians 6:10

10 neither theues, neythe couetous, neither dronkardes, neither cursed speakers, neither pyllars, shall inherete the kyngedome of God.

Ephesians 5:18

18 and be not drounke wt wyne. wherin is excesse, but be fulfylled wyth the spirite,

Proverbs 20:1

1 Wine is a volupteous thynge, & dronckennes causeth sedicion: who so deliteth therin, shal neuer be wyse.

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