Bible verses about "ignorance" | Matthew

Ezekiel 33:6

6 Agayne, yf the watch man se the swearde come and shewe it not wyth the trompet, so that the people is not warned: yf the sweard come then and take any man from amonge them, the same shall be taken awaye in hys owne sinne but hys bloude wyll I requyre of the watchemans hande.

Matthew 7:21-23

21 Not al they that saye vnto me, Maister Maister, shal enter into the kingdome of heauen: but he that doeth my fathers will which is in heauen. 22 Many will saye to me in that daye: Maister, maister, haue we not in thy name prophesied? And in thy name haue cast out deuylles? And in thy name haue done many miracles? 23 And then will I knowledge vnto them, that I neuer knewe them. Departe from me, ye workers of iniquitie.

Luke 23:34

34 Then said Iesus: father forgeue them, for they wote not what they do. And they parted his rayment, and cast lottes.

Acts 3:17

17 And nowe brethren I wote well that through ignoraunce ye dyd it, as did also your heades.

1 John 4:1

1 Ye beloued, beleue not euery spirite, but proue the spirites whether they be of God, or not, for manye false prophetes are gone out into the world.

Proverbs 19:2

2 Where no discrecion is, ther the soule is not well: and who so is swyft on fote, stombleth hastly,

Proverbs 8:5

5 Take hede vnto knowlege O ye ignoraunt, be wyse in hert O ye foles.

James 1:5

5 Yf anye of you lacke wysedome, let hym axe of God whiche geueth to all men indyfferentlye, and casteth no man in the teath: and it shal be geuen hym.

Proverbs 22:3

3 A wise man seith the plage and hideth him self, but the folysh go on styl and are punished.

Acts 17:30

30 And the tyme of thys ignoraunce God regarded not. But now he byddeth all men euerye where repent,

Hosea 4:6

6 my people perish, because they haue no knowledge. Seing then that thou hast refused vnderstanding, therfore wil I refuse the also: so that thou shalt no more be my preste. And for so muche as thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God, I wil also forget thy children.

Ephesians 4:18

18 blynded in theyr vnderstandynge, beynge straungers from the lyfe whiche is in God thorowe the ignoraunce that is in them, because of the blyndnes of theyr hertes:

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