Bible verses about "eve" | Matthew

Genesis 2:21-24

21 Then the Lord god cast a slomber on Adam, and he slepte. And then he toke out one of his ribbes, & in stede ther of he filled vp the place wt flesh. 22 And the lord God made of the ribbe whych he toke out of Adam a woman: and brought her vnto Adam. 23 Then sayde Adam: This is once bone of my bones, & flesh of my flesh. This shal be called woman: because she was take of the man. 24 For this cause shal a man leue father & mother, & cleue vnto hys wyfe, & they shal be one flesh.

Genesis 2:18-25

18 And the Lorde God sayde: It is not good that man should be alone, I wyll make hym an helper to beare hym company. 19 And after that the Lorde God had made of the erth al maner beastes of the felde, and all maner foules of the ayre, he brought them vnto Adam to se what he wolde call them. And as Adam called al maner lyuyng beastes, euen so are their names. 20 And Adam gaue names vnto al maner catell, and vnto the foules of the ayre and vnto all maner beastes of the felde. But ther was no helpe founde vnto Adam to beare hym company. 21 Then the Lord god cast a slomber on Adam, and he slepte. And then he toke out one of his ribbes, & in stede ther of he filled vp the place wt flesh. 22 And the lord God made of the ribbe whych he toke out of Adam a woman: and brought her vnto Adam. 23 Then sayde Adam: This is once bone of my bones, & flesh of my flesh. This shal be called woman: because she was take of the man. 24 For this cause shal a man leue father & mother, & cleue vnto hys wyfe, & they shal be one flesh. 25 And they were ether of them naked, bothe Adam & his wyfe, and were not ashamed.

Genesis 3:7

7 And the eyes of bothe them were opened, that they vnderstode howe that they were naked. Than they sowed figge leues together and made them apurns.

Genesis 2:23

23 Then sayde Adam: This is once bone of my bones, & flesh of my flesh. This shal be called woman: because she was take of the man.

1 Timothy 2:13

13 For Adam was fyrste formed, and then Eue. 14 Also Adam was not deceyued, but the woman was deceyued, and was in a transgressyon.

Genesis 3:1-24

1 Bvt the serpent was sutyller than al the beastes of the felde, whych the Lord God had made: & sayd vnto the woman: yea hath God sayd in dede, ye shall not eate of al maner trees in the garden? 2 And the woman sayd vnto the serpent, of the frute of the trees in the garden we may eate, 3 but of the frute of the tree that is in the myddes of the garden (sayd God) se that ye eate not, & se that ye touch it not, lest ye dye. 4 Then sayd the serpent vnto the woman: tush ye shal not dye: 5 but god doth know that when so euer ye should eate of it, your eyes should be opened, & ye should be as god, & know both good & euel. 6 And the woman saw that it was a good tree to eate of, and lusty vnto the eies, & a pleasant tree forto geue vnderstandynge. And toke of the frute of it & ate, & gaue vnto her husband also wt her, & he ate. 7 And the eyes of bothe them were opened, that they vnderstode howe that they were naked. Than they sowed figge leues together and made them apurns. 8 And they herd the voyce of the Lord God as he walked in the garden in the coole of the daye. And Adam hyd hym self and his wyfe also from the face of the Lorde God, among the trees of the garden. 9 And the Lorde God called Adam, and sayd vnto hym: where art thou? 10 And he answered: Thy voyce I heard in the garden, but I was afrayed, because I was naked, and therfore hyd my selfe. 11 And he sayde: Who tolde the that thou wast naked? hast thou eaten of the tree, of whyche I bade the that thou shuldest not eate? 12 And Adam answered: The woman whych thou gauest to bere me company she toke me of the tree, and I ate. 13 And the Lorde God sayd vnto the woman: Wherfore dydest thou so? And the woman answered: The serpent deceyued me and I ate. 14 And the Lord God sayd vnto the serpent: because thou haste so done moste curssed be thou of all catell and of al beastes of the felde: vpon thy beely shalt thou go: and erth shalt thou eate all dayes of thy lyfe. 15 Moreouer, I wyll put hatred betwene the & the woman, & betwene thy seed and her seed. And that seed shall tread the on thy heed, and thou shalt treade it on the hele. 16 And vnto the woman he said: I wyl suerly encrease thy sorow, and make the oft with chylde, & with payne shalt thou be deliuered: And thy lustes shall pertayne vnto thy husband, and he shal rule the. 17 And vnto Adam he sayd: For as moch as thou hast obeyed the voyce of thy wyfe, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commaunded the, sayinge: Se thou eate not therof: curssed be the erth for thy sake. In sorow shalt thou eate therof all dayes of thy lyfe: 18 And it shall beare thornes & thystels vnto the. And thou shalt eate the herbes of the feld. 19 In the swete of thy face shalt thou eate brede, vntyll thou returne vnto the erth whence thou wast taken: for erth thou art, & vnto erth shalt thou returne. 20 And Adam called his wyfe Heua, because she was the mother of al that liueth. 21 And the Lord God made Adam & his wyfe garmentes of skynnes, and put them on them. 22 And the Lorde God sayd: Loo, Adam is become as it were one of vs, in knowledge of good and euell. But now lest he strech forth hys hande and take also of the tree of lyfe, & eate & lyue euer. 23 And the Lord God cast hym out of the garden of Eden, to tylle the erth whence he was taken. 24 And he cast Adam out, & sette at the enterynge of the garden Eden, Cherubin with a naked swerde mouynge in and out, to kepe the way to the tree of lyfe.

Genesis 3:20

20 And Adam called his wyfe Heua, because she was the mother of al that liueth.

Genesis 1:26-28

26 And God sayde: let vs make man in oure similitude & after our lycknesse: that he may haue rule ouer the fysh of the sea, and ouer the foules of the ayre, & ouer catell, and ouer all the erth, and ouer all wormes that crepe on the erth. 27 And God created man after hys likenes, after the lycknesse of god created he hym: male & female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, & God sayde vnto them: Growe and multiplye & fyl the erth, & subdue it, & haue dominion ouer the fyshes of the sea, and ouer the foules of the ayre, and ouer al the beastes that moue on the erth.

2 Corinthians 11:3

3 But I feare leste as the serpente begyled Eue thorowe hys suttelty, euen so youre wyttes shoulde be corrupte from the synglenes that is in Christe.

Genesis 3:16

16 And vnto the woman he said: I wyl suerly encrease thy sorow, and make the oft with chylde, & with payne shalt thou be deliuered: And thy lustes shall pertayne vnto thy husband, and he shal rule the.

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