Bible verses about "elijah" | Matthew

2 Kings 1:8

8 And they sayde vnto hym: it was an hearry man and gyrde with a gyrdle of a skinne aboute hys loynes. And he said vnto them: it is Eliah the Thesbite.

2 Kings 2:1-25

1 And it chaunced when the lorde woulde take vp Eliah to heauen in a whorle winde, that Eliah & Elizeus were goynge from Galgal. 2 And Eliah said to Elizeus: tary here I pray the, for the Lorde hath sent me to Bethel. But Elizeus sayde: as surely as the Lorde lyueth, and as thy soule lyueth, I wyl not leaue the. And when they came to Bethel, 3 the children of the prophetes that were at Bethel, came out to Elizeus, & sayd to him: knowest thou not how that the Lord wil take away thy maister from the this day? And he said: I know it to: holde youre peace. 4 Then sayde Eliah to Elizeus: tary here a felowship, for the Lorde hath sent me to Iericho. And he sayde: as surely as the Lorde lyueth, and as surely as thy soule lyueth, I will not leaue the, and so they went to Iericho. 5 And the chyldren of the prophetes that were at Iericho came to Eliseus, and sayd vnto him: art thou not ware, that the Lorde will take away thy mayster from the this day? And he answered: I know it also, holde your peace. 6 And Eliah sayd to him: tary I pray the here, for the lord hath sent me to Iordan But he sayde: as surely as the Lord liueth, and as thy soule lyueth, I will not leaue the. And so they went bothe of them together. 7 And fyfty men of the sonnes of the Prophetes went and stode in sight a farre of, as they two stode by Iordan. 8 And then Eliah toke hys mantell & wrapte it together and smote the water, and it deuided it selfe, parte the one waye and parte the other, and they two went ouer on the drie land. 9 And as sone as they were ouer, Eliah sayde to Elizeus, aske what I shall do for the yeare I be taken away from the. And Elizeus said: let me I pray the, haue thy spirite double in me. 10 And he sayde: thou hast asked an harde thynge. Neuerthelesse yf thou se me when I am taken away from the, thou shalt haue it so, yf thou do not, it shal not be. 11 And as they went walkynge and talkynge: beholde, there came a charet of fyre and horsses of fyre, and put them a sondre. And Eliah went vp in the whorlewynde to heauen. 12 And Elizeus sawe and cryed: O my father, O my father, the charet of Israel and the horsmen therof, & saw him no more: and therefore toke his owne clothes and rent them in two peces. 13 And then he toke vp the mantel of Eliah that fel from him, and went backe agayn and stode by Iordans syde, 14 and toke the mantel of Eliah, that fel from him, and smote the water and sayde: where is the Lorde God of Eliah, where is he? And when he had smyten the water, it deuyded parte this waye and parte that waye. And Elizeus went ouer. 15 And the chyldren of the Prophetes of Iericho, which saw him from a farre, sayde: the spyryte of Eliah doeth rest on Elizeus, and went against him, and bowed to the earth vnto him. 16 And they saide vnto him: se, there be amonge thy seruauntes fyftie lustie men: let them go and seke thy mayster: happlye the spirit of the Lorde hathe taken him vp & cast him vpon some mountain or in some valeye. And he saide: sende not. 17 Neuerthelesse yet they laye vpon him, til he was ashamed, and saide: sende, and they sent fyfty men, whiche sought him thre daies and thre nyghtes, but founde him not. 18 And they came againe to him, for he taryed at Iericho. And he sayde to them, dyd I saye vnto you, that ye shoulde not go. 19 Then the men of Iericho sayd to Elizeus: beholde, the citie standeth pleasauntly as my Lorde seyth, but the water is naught and the grounde bared. 20 And he sayde: brynge me a newe cruse and put salt therin. And they brought it to him. 21 And he went vnto the spring of the water, and cast the shalt in thither, and sayde: thus saith the Lorde: I heale thys water, there shal not come henceforth ether death or barennesse. 22 And the water was helthsome euer after accordyng to the saying of Elizeus whyche he spake. 23 And he went from thence vp to Bethel. And he was goynge vp in the waye, there came lytle laddes out of the citie and mocked him, and sayde to him: go vp thou bald head, go vp thou bald heade. 24 And he turned backe and loked on them and cursed them in the name of the Lorde. And there came two Beares out of that wood, & tare .xlij. of the boies. 25 And he went from thence to mount Carmel, & from thence went agayne to Samaria.

1 Kings 18:36-38

36 And when offeringe time was come, Eliah the prophete went to and sayde: Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and of Israel, let it be knowen thys daye, that thou art the God in Israel, and that I am thy seruaunt, and that I do al these thinges at thy commaundement. 37 Heare me O lorde, heare me, that this people may know, that thou lord, art the God, and that thou hast turned their hertes backward. 38 And there fell fire from the Lorde, and consumed the sacryfice & the wood and the stones & the dust, & lycked vp the water that was in the gutter.

2 Chronicles 21:12-15

12 And there came a writting to him from Eliah the prophet of this tenoure. Thus saith the Lord God of Dauid thy father: because thou walkedest not in the wayes of Iehosaphat thy father, and in the waies of Asa king of Iuda, 13 but walkest in the waies of the kinges of Israel, & hast made Iuda & the dwellers of Ierusalem go a whoringe, like to the whoring of the house of Ahab, & had therto slaine thy brethren that were thy fathers house, which were better then thou. 14 Therfore behold the lord wil smyte the wyth a mightye plage in thy folke, in thy chyldren, in thy wiues and in thy goodes. 15 And thou shalt haue muche dysease thorowe infirmitye in thy bowelles, vntil thy bowelles fal out by reason of thy sycknesse, daye by daye.

Matthew 11:14

14 And if ye wyll receyue it, this is that Helias which shoulde come.

Mark 9:12

12 He aunswered and sayde vnto them: Helias verely shal first come and restore all thinges. And also the sonne of man as it is written, shall suffer many thynges, and shalbe set at nought.

Luke 9:30

30 And beholde, two men talked with him, and they were Moyses & Helias,

2 Kings 1:10-12

10 And Eliah answered and sayde to the captain ouer the fyfty: yf I be a man of God, fyre come doune from heauen and consume the and thy fifty. And there came fyre doune from heauen, & deuoured him & his fifty. 11 And the kinge went againe and sent to hym another captayn ouer fyfty with his fyfty, which answered & sayde vnto him: O man of God, thus sayth the kyng, make hast & come doune. 12 And Eliah auswered and saide vnto them: yf I be a man of God, then let fyre come doune from heauen & consume the & thy fifty. And there came fire doune from heauen, and consumed hym, and hys fyftye. And the kinge sent agayne the thyrd capitayne ouer fyfty.

Mark 9:4

4 And there apeared vnto them Helyas with Moyses, & they talke with Iesu.

1 Kings 18:25-29

25 Then sayde Eliah vnto the Prophetes of Baal: chose you an oxe and dresse him fyrst (for ye are many) and call on the name of youre God, but put no fyre vnder. 26 And they toke the oxe that was geuen them and dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from mournynge to none sayinge: O Baal heare vs. But there was no voyce nor answere. And they lepte aboute the aulter that they had made. 27 And at none Eliah mocked them and sayd: call loud, (for he is a God: but he is talking or occupied or in the waye, or happely he slepeth) that he may awake. 28 And they cryed loud, and cut them selues, as their maner was, wyth knyues & launcers, tyl the bloude folowed on them. 29 And when midday was passed, they prophesyed vntil it was time to offer. But there was neyther voyce nor answere nor any that regarded them.

1 Kings 17:1-7

1 And Eliah the Thesbite whyche was of the enhabiters of Galaad saide vnto Ahab: as truly as the Lorde God of Israel lyueth, before whome I stande, there shal be neyther dewe nor rayne these yeares, saue as I appoynt it. 2 And the word of God came to him saying: 3 get the hence and turne the eastwarde, & hyde thy selfe in the broke Karith, that lyeth before Iordan, 4 dryncke of the ryuer for I haue commaunded the rauens to fede the herte. 5 And he went and dyd accordynge vnto the worde of the Lorde: he went and dwelt by the broke Karith that lyeth before Iordan. 6 And the rauens brought hym breade and fleshe euery mornyng and euery euenynge, and he drancke of the broke. 7 And it chaunced after a whyle that the broke dried vp, because there fell no rayne vpon the earth.

1 Kings 19:9-21

9 & entred there into a caue & lodged there al night. And then the word of the lord came to him and sayde: what doest thou here, Eliah? 10 And he answered: I haue bene thorow angry for the Lorde God of hostes sake. For the children of Israel haue forsake thy couenaunt, & haue broken doune thyne aultars and slayne the Prophetes with the swerde, and I onlye am lefte, and they seke my soule to haue it to. 11 And he sayde: come out and stande before the Lorde. And beholde, the lorde went by and a myghty stronge wynde that rent the mountaynes, and brake the rockes before him. But the Lorde was not in the wynde. And after the wynde came an earthquake. But the lorde was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake, came fyre: but the Lord was not in the fyre. And after the fyre, came a smal stil voice. 13 And when Eliah hearde it, he couered hys face wyth hys mantle, and went out an stode in the mouth of the caue. And se, there came a voyce vnto him, and sayde: what doest thou here Eliah? 14 And he answered: I was gelouse for the Lorde God of hostes sake: because the children of Israel haue forsaken thine appointment and haue cast doune thyne aultars and slayne thy Prophetes with the swerde, and I only am lefte, and they seke my soule to haue it. 15 Then the Lorde sayde vnto hym: go and turne thy waye to the wyldernesse of Damasco, and go and annoynte Hazael to be kynge of Siria. 16 And Iehu the sonne of Namsi, annoynte to be kinge ouer Israel. And Elizeus the sonne of Saphat of Abel Mehulah annoynt to be Prophete in thy roume. 17 And who so eskapeth the swerde of Hazael, hym shall Iehu slaye: and yf any man scape the swerde of Iehu, hym shall Elizeus slaye. 18 And therto I haue lefte me seuen thousande in Israel, of whyche neuer man bowed his knees vnto Baal, nor kissed him with his mouthe. 19 And he departed thence, and founde Elizeus the sonne of Saphat plowinge wyth twelue yocke of oxen before him, and he with the twelue. And Eliah went to hym and cast his mantel vpon him. 20 And he lefte the oxen & ranne after Eliah and sayd: let me I pray the kisse my father and my mother, and then I will folow the. And he saide to him: go backe againe, for what haue I done to the? 21 And he went backe againe from after him, and toke a yocke of oxen and slue them, and dressed the fleshe with the instrumentes of the oxen and gaue it the people, and they did eate. And then he arose and went after Eliah and ministred vnto him.

Luke 1:17

17 And he shall go before hym in the spryte of power of Helyas, to turne the hertes of the fathers to the chyldren and the vnbeleuers to the wisdome of the iust men, to make the people redy for the Lord.

Matthew 17:11

11 Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto them Helias shall first come and restore all thynges.

James 5:17

17 Helias was a man mortall, euen as we are, and he prayed in hys prayer, that it might not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares & sixe monethes.

2 Kings 2:11

11 And as they went walkynge and talkynge: beholde, there came a charet of fyre and horsses of fyre, and put them a sondre. And Eliah went vp in the whorlewynde to heauen.

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