Bible verses about "sickness" | Great

Psalms 91:1-16

1 Who so dwelleth vnder the defence of the most hyest, shal abyde vnder the shadow of the Almightye. 2 I wyll saye vnto the Lorde: Thou art my hope, and my stronge holde, my God, in hym will I trust. 3 For he shall delyuer the from the snare of the hunter, and from the noysome pestylence. 4 He shall defende the vnder hys wynges, and thou shalte be safe vnder hys fethers: hys faythfulnesse and trueth shall be thy shylde and buckler. 5 Thou shalte not be afrayed for any terrour by night, ner for the arow that flyeth by daye. 6 For the pestilence that walketh in the darknesse, ner for the sicknesse that destroyeth in the noone daye. 7 A thousande shall fall besyde the & ten thousande at thy ryght hand, but it shall not come nye the. 8 Yee, with thyne eyes shalt thou beholde, and se the rewarde of the vngodly. 9 For thou Lorde arte my hope, thou hast set thyne house of defence very hye 10 There shall no euell happen vnto the, nether shall eny plage come nye thy dwellyng. 11 For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the, to kepe the in all thy wayes. 12 They shall beare the in theyr handes, that thou hurt not thy fote agaynste a stone. 13 Thou shalt go vpon the Lyon and Adder, the yonge Lyon and the Dragon shalte thou treade vnder thy fete. 14 Because he hath set hys loue vpon me, therfore shall I delyuer him: I shall set him vp, because he hath knowne my name. 15 He shall call vpon me, & I wyll heare hym: yee I am with hym in trouble, I will deliuer hym, and brynge hym to honoure. 16 With longe lyfe wyll I satisfye hym, and shewe hym my saluacion.

Psalms 23:1-6

1 A psalme of Dauid. The Lord is my shepherde, therfore can I lack nothing. 2 He shall fede me in a grene pasture, & leade me forth besyde the waters of comforte. 3 He shall conuerte my soule, & brynge me forth in the pathes of ryghteousnes for hys names sake. 4 Yee though I walke thorowe the valleye of the shadow of death, I wyll feare no euell, for thou art wt me thy rodde & thy staffe comforte me. 5 Thou shalt prepare a table before me agaynst them that trouble me: thou hast anoynted my head wt oyle, & my cuppe shalbe full. 6 But louynge kyndnes & mercy shall folowe me all the dayes of my lyfe. & I wyll dwell in the house of the Lord for euer.

Proverbs 17:22

22 A mery herte maketh a lusty age, but a sorowfull mynde dryeth vp the bones.

Isaiah 53:5

5 and punished where as he (not wythstandynge) was wounded for oure offences, and smytten for oure wyckednes. For the chastysement of oure peace was layde vpon him, and wyth hys strypes are we healed.

Luke 10:9

9 and heale the sicke that are therin, and saye vnto them: the kingdome of God is come nye vpon yo

Luke 9:1

1 Iesus called the twelue together, and gaue them power, and auctorite ouer all deuyls, and that they might heale diseases.

Mark 10:27

27 Iesus loked vpon them, and sayd. with men it is vnpossible, but not with God: for with God all thynges are possyble.

John 9:1-7

1 And as Iesus passed by, he sawe a man, which was blynde from hys byrth. 2 And his discyples asked him sayinge: Master, who dyd synne, this man, or hys father and mother, that he was borne blynd? 3 Iesus answered: Nether hath this man sinned, nor yet his father and mother: but that the worckes of God shulde be shewed in hym. 4 I must, worcke the worckes of hym that sent me, whyle it is daye. The nyght commeth, when no man can worcke. 5 As longe as I am in the worlde. I am the lyght of the worlde. 6 Assone as he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made claye of the spetle, and rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde, 7 & sayd vnto him: Go, wesshe the in the pole of Siloe, which (by interpretacion) is asmoche to saye as, sent. He went his waye therfore, and wasshed, & came agayne, seinge:

Isaiah 40:29-31

29 but that he geueth strength vnto the weery, and power vnto the faynte? 30 Children are weery and faynt, and the strongest men fall. 31 But vnto them that haue the Lord before theyr eyes, shall strength be encreased. Aegles wynges shall growe vpon them. When they runne they shall not fall: and when they go, they shall not be weery.

2 Corinthians 4:17

17 For oure tribulacyon which is momentany and lyght. prepareth an excedinge & an eternall wayght of glorye vnto vs,

1 Peter 2:24

24 whych hys awne selfe bare our synnes in his body on the tree, that we beyng delyuered from synne, shuld lyue vnto ryghteousnes. By whose strypes ye were healed.

1 Peter 5:7

7 Cast all your care vpon him: for he careth for you.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know what I haue deuised for you, sayth the Lorde. My thoughtes are to geue you peace, and not trouble (which I geue you all ready) and that ye myght haue hope againe.

James 5:14-15

14 If eny be diseased amonge you, let hym call for the elders of the congregacyon, and let them praye ouer him, & anoynte him with oyle in the name of the Lorde, 15 and the prayer of fayth shall saue the sycke, and the Lord shal rayse him vp: and yf he haue commytted synnes, they shalbe forgeuen hym.

Revelation 21:4

4 And God shall wype awaye all teares from theyr eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth, nether sorowe, nether cryenge, nether shall ther be eny more payne, for the olde thynges are gone.

Romans 5:3-4

3 Not that onely: but also we reioyce in tribulacyons: knowyng that tribulacyon bryngeth pacience, 4 pacience bryngeth experience, experience bryngeth hope.

3 John 1:2

2 Beloued I wisshe in all thynges that thou prosperedest, and faredest well, euen as thy soule prospereth,

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