Bible verses about "drinking" | Great

Luke 21:34

34 Take hede to your selues, lest at anye tyme youre hertes be ouercome with surfettynge and dronkennes and cares of thys lyfe, and so the daye come vpon you vnwares.

1 Peter 4:3

3 For it is sufficyent for vs, that we haue spent the tyme that is past of the lyfe, after the wyll of the Gentyls, walkynge in wantannes, lustes, in excesse of wynes, in excesse of eatynge, in excesse of drinkynge and in abomynable ydolatrie.

James 4:17

17 Therfore to hym that knoweth how to do good, and doth it not, to hym it is synne.

Hebrews 10:26

26 For yf we synne wyllfully after that we haue receaued the knowledge of the trueth, ther remayneth nomore sacryfyce for synnes,

Titus 2:3

3 the elder wemen lykewyse, that they be in soche rayment as be commeth holynes, not beynge false accusars, not geuen to moch wyne, but that they teache honest thynges,

1 Corinthians 6:10

10 nether theues, nether couetouse, nether dronkardes, nether cursed speakers, nether pyllers, shall inheret the kyngdome of God.

Romans 14:21

21 It is good nether to eate flesshe, nether to drinke wyne nether eny thynge, wherby thy brother stombleth, ether falleth, or is made weake.

Proverbs 31:6-7

6 Geue stronge drincke vnto soch as are condempned to death, and wyne vnto those that mourne: 7 that they maye drincke it, and forgett theyr mysery & aduersytie.

Proverbs 23:29-35

29 Who hath wo? Who hath sorow? Who hath strife? Who hath brauling? & who hath woundes without cause Or who hath reed eyes? 30 Euen they that be euer at the wyne, & seke excesse. 31 Loke not thou vpon the wyne, how redd it is, & what a colour it geueth in the glasse. 32 It goeth downe softly, but at the last it byteth lyke a serpent, & styngeth as an Adder. 33 So shall thine eyes loke vnto straunge wemen, & thyne herte shall muse vpon frowarde thynges. 34 Yee, thou shalt be as though thou layest in the myddest of the see, or sleptest vpon the toppe of the mast of a shippe. 35 They wouded me (shalt thou saye) but it hath not hurte me: they haue all to broken me, but I felt it not. Whan I am well wakened, I will go to the drincke againe.

Matthew 11:18-19

18 For Iohn came nether eatynge nor drynkynge, & they saye, he hath the deuyll. 19 The sonne of man came eatyng and drynckyng, and they saye, beholde a glutton, & an vnmeasurable dryncker of wyne: and a frende vnto publicans and synners. And wisdome is iustifyed of her chyldren.

Romans 13:13-14

13 Let vs walke honestly as it were in the daye lyght: not in eatynge & drynckynge, nether in chamburyng and wantannes, nether in stryfe & enuyinge: 14 but put ye on the Lorde Iesus Chryst. And make not prouisyon for the fleshe, to fulfyll the lustes of it.

1 Timothy 5:23

23 Dryncke no lenger water, but vse a lytell wyne for thy stommakes sake and thyne often dyseases.

Proverbs 20:1

1 Wyne maketh a man to be scornefull: and stronge dryncke causeth a man to be vnquyete: who so delyteth therin, shall neuer be wyse.

Galatians 5:21

21 enuyinge, murther, dronkennes, glottonye, and soche lyke: of the which I tell you before as I haue told you in tyme past, that they which commyt soch thinges shall not be inheritours of the kyngdome of God.

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch, for youre aduersary the deuyll as a roaring lyon walketh about, sekyng whom he maye deuoure:

Ephesians 5:18

18 and be not droncke with wyne wherin is excesse: but be fylled with the sprete,

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