Bible verses about "dreams" | Great

Hebrews 10:35

35 Cast not awaye therfore your confydence, whych hath a great recompence of rewarde.

Ephesians 3:20

20 Unto hym that is able to do exceadynge aboundantly aboue all that we aske or thynke accordynge to the power that worketh in in vs,

Luke 10:19

19 Behold, I geue vnto you power, to treade on serpentes, and scorpions, and ouer all maner power of the enemy, and nothing shull hurte you.

Joel 2:28

28 After this, will I poure out my sprete vpon all flesh: and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophecy: your olde men shall dreame dreames, and youre yonge men shall se visyons,

Jeremiah 23:32

32 Beholde, here am I (sayeth the Lorde) agaynst those prophetes, that darre prophecy lyenge dreames, and disceaue my people with their vanyties, and myracles, whom I neuer sent, ner commaunded them. They shall do this people greate harme, sayeth the Lorde.

Ecclesiastes 5:7

7 And why? where as are many dreames and many wordes, there are also diuerse vanytes: but loke that thou feare God.

Acts 2:17

17 And it shalbe in the last dayes, sayth God: of my sprete I wyll poore out vpon all flesshe. And youre sonnes & youre daughters shall prophesy, and youre yonge men shall se vysyons, and youre olde men shall dreame dreames.

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