Bible verses about "democracy" | Great

Exodus 18:26

26 And they iudged the people at all seasons, but broughte the harde causes vnto Moses: and iudged all small matters them selues.

Exodus 18:21

21 Morouer thou shalt seke oute amonge all the people, men of actiuite, and such as feare God: true men, hatynge coueteousnes: and make them heedes ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouer fyftye and ouer ten.

Deuteronomy 1:13

13 brynge (from amonge you) men of wysdome and of vnderstandynge, and experte, accordynge to youre trybes, and I wyll make them ruelars ouer you.

Judges 8:23

23 And Gedeon sayd vnto them: I wyll not raygne ouer you, nether shall my childe raygne ouer you, but the Lord shall raygne ouer you.

2 Samuel 8:15

15 And Dauid raygned ouer all Israel, and executed ryght, & Iustice vnto all his people.

1 Kings 9:5

5 then wyll I stablysshe the seate of thy kyngdome vpon Israel for euer, as I promysed to Dauid thy father sayinge. Thou shalt not be without a man vpon the seate of Israel.

2 Chronicles 19:6-7

6 & sayde to the iudges: take hede what ye do, for ye execute not the iudgmentes of man, but of God, which is wt you in the iudgement. 7 Wherfore nowe, let the feare of the Lorde be vpon you, and take hede, & be doyng the thynge that pleaseth hym. For ther is no vnryghtewesnes wt the Lord oure God: that he shulde haue any respecte of persones, or take rewardes.

2 Chronicles 20:5-6

5 And Iehosaphat stode betwene the congregacion of Iuda and Ierusalem in the house of the Lorde before the newe courte, 6 and sayde: O Lorde God of our fathers, art not thou God in heuen, and raygnest not thou on all the kyngdomes of the Hethen? And in thyne hande is power and myght, and there is no man that is able to withstande the.

2 Chronicles 36:1

1 And the people of the land toke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosia, and made him kynge in his fathers steade in Ierusalem.

Psalms 67:4

4 O let the nacions reioyse and be glad, For thou shalt iudge the folke ryghteously, and gouerne the nacions vpon earth. Sela.

Proverbs 14:15

15 An ignoraunt body beleueth all thinges: but who so hath vnderstandinge, loketh well to his goinges.

Ecclesiastes 10:2

2 A wyse mans herte is vpon the ryght hande, but a fooles herte vpon the left.

Isaiah 2:22

22 Feare not ye then any man, whose breth is in hys nostrels. For what is he of reputacion?

Isaiah 30:21

21 Yee, and thyne care shall heare the talkynge of hym that doeth speake behynde the. Thys is the waye, walke ye in it. Turne not aside nether to the ryght hande ner to the lyft.

Matthew 28:18

18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto them, sayinge: All power is geuen vnto me in heauen, & in erth.

John 19:11

11 Iesus answered: Thou couldest haue no power at all agaynst me, except it were geuen the from aboue. Therfore he that delyuered me vnto the, hath the more synne.

Romans 8:38-39

38 For I am sure, that nether deeth, nether lyfe, nether Angels, nor rule, nether power, nether thynges present, nether thynges to come, 39 nether heygth, nether loweth, nether eny other creature shal be able to departe vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu oure Lorde.

1 Timothy 2:1-2

1 I Exhorte therfore, that aboue all thynges, prayers, supplicacyons, intercessions, and geuynge of thankes be had for all men: 2 for kynges, and for all that are in auctorite, that we maye lyue a quyet and a peaceable lyfe, wyth all Godlynes and honestye.

Romans 14:1

1 Hym that is weake in the fayth, receaue, not in disputynge and troublynge hys conscience.

Titus 3:1

1 Warne them that they submytte them selues to rule & power: that they obey the officers: that they be ready vnto euery good worke:

Psalms 146:3

3 For when the breth of man goeth forth he shall turne againe to his earth, and then all his thoughtes peryshe.

Proverbs 4:27

27 Turne not asyde, nether to the ryght hande net to the lefte, but witholde thy fote from euell.

Acts 5:29

29 Peter and the other Apostles answered, & sayde: We ought more to obey God then men.

1 Peter 2:13-17

13 Submyt youre selues therfore vnto all maner ordinaunce of man for the lordes sake, whether it be vnto the kynge, as vnto the chefe heed: 14 other vnto rulars, as vnto them that are sent of hym, for the punysshement of euyll doars, but for the laude of them, that do well. 15 For so is the wyll of God, that wyth well doyng ye maye stoppe the mouthes of foolysh & ignoraunt men: 16 as fre, & not as hauinge the lybertie for a cloacke of maliciousnes, but euen as the seruauntes of God 17 Honoure all men. Loue brotherly feleshyppe. Feare God, honoure the kynge.

Romans 13:1-7

1 Let euery soule submyt hym selfe vnto the auctoryte of the hyer powers. For there is no power but of God. 2 The powers that be, are ordeyned of God. Whosoeuer therfore resysteth power, resysteth the ordinaunce of God. But they that resyst, shall receaue to them selfe damnacyon. 3 For rulers are not fearfull to them that do good, but to them that do euyll. Wylt thou be without feare of the power? Do well then: and so shalt thou he praysed of the same. 4 For he is the mynyster of God, for thy welth. But and yf thou do that which is, euyll, then feare: for he beareth not the sweard for nought: for he is the mynister of God, to take vengeaunce on hym that doth euyll. 5 Wherfore, ye must nedes obeye, not onely for feare of vengeaunce: but also because of conscience. 6 And euen for this cause paye ye tribute. For they are Goddes mynysters, seruinge for the same purpose. 7 Geue to euery man therfore hys duetye: tribute to whom tribute belongeth: custome, to whom custome is due: feare, to whom feare belongeth: honoure, to whom honoure pertayneth.

Judges 21:25

25 In those dayes there, was no kynge in Israel: but euery man dyd that which semed ryght in his awne eyes.

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