Bible verses about "sleep" | Coverdale

Psalms 91:1-16

1 Who so dwelleth vnder ye defence of the most hyest, & abydeth vnder ye shadowe of ye allmightie: 2 He shal saye vnto ye LORDE: o my hope, & my stronge holde, my God, in who I wil trust. 3 For he shal deliuer the fro the snare of the hunter, & fro the noysome pestilence. 4 He shal couer the vnder his wynges, that thou mayest be safe vnder his fethers: his faithfulnesse and trueth shal be thy shylde and buckler. 5 So yt thou shalt not nede to be afrayed for eny bugges by night, ner for arowe that flyeth by daye. 6 For the pestilece that crepeth in ye darcknesse, ner for the sicknesse yt destroyeth in the noone daye. 7 A thousande shal fall besyde the, and ten thousande at thy right honde, but it shal not come nye the. 8 Yee with thyne eyes shalt thou beholde, and se the rewarde of the vngodly. 9 For thou LORDE art my hope, thou hast set thy house of defence very hye. 10 There shal no euell happen vnto the, nether shal eny plage come nye thy dwellinge. 11 For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the, to kepe the in all thy wayes. 12 They shal beare the in their hondes, that thou hurte not thy fote agaynst a stone. 13 Thou shalt go vpo the Lyon and Adder, the yonge Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou treade vnder thy fete. 14 Because he hath set his loue vpon me, I shal delyuer him: I shal defende him, for he hath knowne my name. 15 When he calleth vpon me, I shall heare him: yee I am with him in his trouble, wherout I wil delyuer him, and brynge him to honoure. 16 With loge life wil I satisfie him, & shewe him my saluacion.

Psalms 121:3-4

3 He will not suffre thy fote to be moued, and he yt kepeth the, slepeth not. 4 Beholde, he that kepeth Israel, doth nether slombre ner slepe.

Matthew 8:24

24 And beholde, there arose a greate tempest in the see, in so moch that the shippe was couered with wawes, & he was a slepe.

Proverbs 6:9

9 How loge wilt thou slepe, thou slogish ma? Wha wilt thou aryse out of thy slepe?

Psalms 132:4-5

4 I wil not suffre myne eyes to slepe, ner myne eye lyddes to slober. 5 Vntill I fynde out a place for the LORDE, an habitacio for the mightie one of Iacob.

Proverbs 6:10

10 Yee slepe on still a litle, slober a litle, folde thine handes together yet a litle, that thou mayest slepe:

Psalms 3:5

5 Sela I layed me downe and slepte, but I rose vp agayne, for the LORDE susteyned me.

Proverbs 20:13

13 Delyte not thou in slepe, lest thou come vnto pouerte: but ope thine eyes, & thou shalt haue bred ynough.

Psalms 127:2

2 Excepte the LORDE kepe the cite, the watchman waketh but in vayne.

Psalms 4:8

8 Therfore wil I laye me downe in peace, & take my rest: for thou LORDE only settest me in a sure dwellynge.

Proverbs 3:24

24 Yf thou slepest, thou shalt not be afrayed, but shalt take thy rest & slepe swetely.

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